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Thursday, June 17, 2010

CLHS gathering

I went to CLHS yesterday. Had fun, but not A LOT coz lots of people werent there yesterday. ):

Well, no pics, sorry.

if u wanna see some pics, u can just go visit chien ming’s fb or blog or anything coz he’s like the photographer or something.

Okay, moving on.

the theme was DOOMSDAY REVELATION, which i think is creative but kinda dumb. coz they didn’t really reveal anything, so the REVELATION’ part is kinda dumb.

their tshirts were awesome, i bought one . well not ytd, earlier. but i want their hoodies. RM8O. but im didnt hav that much money on me so i didnt buy it.

HEHS was there. oh my gawd. kek ki.

CDK was there. more kek ki.

It was my sis’ bday ytd , btw.

Our banners are nice. coz everyone’s banner is just all about destructions and stuff since it’s ‘DOOMSDAY REVELATION’ but our’s was about there’s still hope and stuff. Sheng Hui said: since it’s DOOMSDAY REVELATION (emphasis on the revelation) , maybe GOD is trying to tell us smtg and give us another chance and doomsday will just wait. you know? like REVEAL smtg. which i think is great, coz they actually cared about the REVELATION part. *claps*

The slideshow was stupid. it’s the kind that only the ppl who are ‘related’ will enjoy it since it’s all about those ppl and they have inside jokes and stuff, and lots of lots pics.

so the emcee and the CLHS boys sort of syok sendiri when they played the slideshow. And there’s a guy named YAM XIAO HONG. walao…

the ‘high’est part is the free-dancing.

Everyone dances together and ki high. Really fun :) and you can make ur own ‘train’ and run around and knock ppl and sing and dance. MEGA FUN! =D

Lots of free-dancing sesh.

the first one lasted for a short time.

Second one too. when the music ended, ppl start shouting, WE WANT MUSIC. wtf. and they played some and thn it ended.

the last one was LOOOOOOOOOONG. but it was the ‘high’est. my mom kept calling me since it’s already 4.30. (but we were still dancing, and ppl kept wanting more and more music, and the prize giving ceremony hasnt started yet)  She kept CALLING AND CALLING AND MY SIS KEPT TXTING. so i had to answer the call but the music was super loud. shit. so i txted ‘i cant hear you’ to my sis but i didnt know it ended up inOUTBOX’.

Woei Jai did a super sexy move whn she was dancing. aisheh.

then i was super annoyed when ppl shouted WE WANT MUSIC. and feel like strangling them!!!!! D:<

so i got out eventually.

when free dancing FINALLY ENDED and the prize giving is gonna start and ppl start shouting their yells.

I HAD A MASSIVE HEADACHE when i was in the car and i still have it now.

Too much jumping arnd and dancing i guess. but it was worth it coz it was so fun!!

now i know why ppl like going to discos and night clubs. LOL.

Celebrated my sis’ bday. took many sampat pics but i cant upload them coz i lost my SD card. and i NEED  a SD card to slot in my MINI SD CARD.

i <3 cheesecakes. :D

It’s been a long time since i wrote such A LONG POST. =)

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