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Sunday, June 6, 2010


What i’ve been up to in school:


Doodling useless stuff during science coz the teacher was in a good mood. (: *thumbs up*

Anyways, back to zeh picture.

the ‘girl’ is CHUAH ZI NEE AKA CHUAH SAI. by Iris XDD

the lil piggy right there is also by Iris . so is the ‘Love me?’ thing.

IMG_5582 That’s me. by Iris.

but with Iris’ ‘damaged hair’. =D

The lil chicken up there is by YOURS TRULY. :)

IMG_5583 zehh girl w./ super short hair is JING LI.

the weird ‘vampire’ girl is Iris.

the weird long hair lady is our Sc teacher. 

IMG_5584 the sipek short hair girl is JL. I know very geli. :D

the girl in pencil is me. wtf.

as for the Science C thing, idk wth is it.

IMG_5585 Chuah Sai plus long hair.Geli nia. 

IMG_5586 Sai sai. xD

IMG_5587 chuah sai + spongebob (totally sucked at drawing it) + subun. aka chua ann yin

IMG_5588  zui zui?

IMG_5589 zui zui ?

IMG_5590 Si gui Iris draw herself till so pretty. tsk tsk. perasan lorh.

IMG_5591 TADA!


IMG_5593 =DIMG_5594 LOVE THIS SAI SAI SOO MUCH LA WEIIIIMG_5595 lawlIMG_5596 :)IMG_5597 :)

IMG_5598i spilled ink on my bag. and it was on an exam day. pretty unlucky huh?

IMG_5599 TT

IMG_5600 stupid rusty school chair did this to my bag!!!

IMG_5601 TT

IMG_5602 this is on my bag

IMG_5603 nothing happened to it yet.

 IMG_5604  i adore its nose.

IMG_5605 Currently reading : Just Say Yes and The Vampire Diaries.


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