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Friday, March 5, 2010

Food fair!!! day 1

Yesterday was a FUN FUN FUN DAY. xD

I went to school early coz i had computer class, starts at 10.45 but i went thr arnd 8 smtg bcoz my mom can’t fetch me. T.T

Sad, rite?

Whn i was walking to canteen, Yongfei saw me and she started jumping up and waving. But i was vry stim so i had that WTF expression on my face. YF laughed (awww so cute!) and i waved a lil bit. LOL

So whn i got thr, everyone was doing seni and SHIT. i realized that i did the WRONG thing. Didn’t panic coz i have a lot of time and it’s jus cut and paste. =) Yijun says she felt like cutting and paste during kindergarten. lawl. :D yea..i agree.

The morning sesh’s food/ fun fair has started. I can hear lots of music and that ‘guang bo’ thingy has started too.

Whn i finished, i wanted to go to the morning session’s food fair but no one wants to go w/ me. Bz wiv their seni. Pshhh

But i saw GraceTan so we walked together, but  was only for a lil while coz she has comp class too. D: Sad, isn’t it?

So whn Gracetan left, i walked arnd again and i saw LEBIN! OMG. whn i ran towards LB, i saw ALICIA. OMFG SHE’S SOOOO DAMN PRETTY AND CUTE!!! wowowowowowowow xD

walked w/ LB, it was realy weird coz we’re like the only F1s… –.- Plus, it’s damn crowded so i left. Haha~

One of the classes played 丁当’s 我爱他yay yay.

i also heard SNSD’S oh! wow!

heard super junior’s sorry sorry and Fahrenheit’s 心窝. and tons of jay’s song!!

then i saw sandy. she wanted to go to the food/ fun fair too so i went w/ her. we saw si min and yi xuan on the way n thy bought lots of stuff. Sandy vry beh gam guan and said she wants to buy a lot! i bought 冰条 and a sponge cupcake. w/ words on thm, really nice! i wanted the I <3 JB one but it’s reserved. (i didn’t realized that the ppl selling them are my sis’ frens until i got home!)

Walked for a long time then we saw all the othr ppl who were bz doing their seni coming to the food/fun fair. then some of my really close frens. I cant rmb who! (bt i kno SH was thr). I ate apple’s(yijun) rojak on the way xD

thr’s a class that has balloons and was giving out cute calendars. i want one so we pretend to walk in and we got it!!!  woohooooo~~~

Saw wy and alicia a lot today. Alicia is so pretty. Gawd. i m obsessed again! din see nikki or sze today. haiz~

i think nikki’s sick. D:

We saw a squirrel and kept following it arnd. Aww~ so it ran to the private school’s tree. LOL. i married yijun then i divorced and then i married CT and then i divorced and went bac to yy. =] Hahahahahaha

computer class was boring nowadays especially since we cant access the internet now. ):

stupid teacher jake or jade or whatever.

after comp class, went to show chiatheng who is wy. bt she wasn’t thr so CT went for marching. Oh well… Zinee didn’t wanna show her so CT held my hand tightly to make sure i dont run away. WTF.

while waiting for my char koay teow. i ‘reunited’ wiv megan(dunno how to spell)not the f1 one, the f2 one

megan: 你还记得我吗?

me: 记得

megan:  真的吗? 你不要假假

me: 真的啦

megan: okay, 这样你讲看你是怎样遇到我的

me: 就…那个british council lo

megan: 我是你的senior 你要treat me w/ respect.

me: *kept quiet* (thinking ‘WTF’ in my head)

megan: 没有啦我开玩笑的.我跟Junior 很好的. 没有玩jr 的.

me: haha. 你什么班?

megan: J. 你leh?

me: H.

megan: walao eh… (dunno why)

me: walks away w/ my food.


the afternoon sesh’s food/fun fair was kinda boring. morning’s wayyy better. bt the only thing that’s better than the morning’s is that thr are actually ppl working at the money changer counter.

walk walk walk

then zinee told me she saw wy and i asked whr. she said at the othr side so i went thr. LOL. saw her tons of times today. yay haha

then we saw her refilling her water and we wanted to go to the canteen so walked towards thr. whn she walked pass me she had that ‘i bet u’re gonna look at me now, WAIT! y aren’t  u looking?’ look on her face. LOL

then i realized that i 4gt GT so i went bac, wy muz hv tot i went to the canteen jus to look at her. ==

GT wasn’t thr.

Lost yy and the othrs. DAMN

reunited after dt.

skip skip skip coz i 4gt wad happened. Went to the class near the toilet n i saw wy thr so i told rika. and she said she hates wy and she has 4 gfs now. i can see water in rika’s eyes. OMG. and she said she’s not jealous or crying or sad. she pushed me towards Wy. almost knocked her. happened two times. FCUK HER .

the game zone class was really fun bt i din play them. many ppl were thr to watch. (mysis told me rite after i got home that it’s cz yan wei was thr. ic..)

talked a lot w/ iris and zinee today. zinee admires wy. (:

anyways, fun fun and crazy day ytd.. nvr tot i wud hv days like this in secondary school. u know wad i mean…

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