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Friday, April 30, 2010



but two post only…

im still starting mah…

Anyways, check it out!

Actually i wanted to put or but SOME STUPID PERSON got ahead of me and used it ! SHIT.

Feel like joining tumblr.

I feel like joining tumblr….


should  I?


Currently listening to: Wedding Dress by Taeyang

Monday, April 26, 2010

PINK POO and campfire

Dunno where to start.
Was really sampat during PE. never knew badminton could be so fun. :)
My shoe had a big brownish red stain. Eww... Blame stupid bola tampar. My hands were like RED this morning. Scary... But my 'skills' improved. :D
After PE, still laughing like mad. Had a hard time climbing up the stairs since we were laughing like mad. Iris cut her fringe. AGAIN. WTF.
During History, we kept talking and freezing each other. I know it's lame. I got the idea when i was making fun of xinyu coz shes's from Kadet Polis. POLICE. so FREEZE. BTW, the CAMPFIRE WAS SO DARN FUN!!! XDDDD
Okay, back to history.
Kept laughing and talking. kept thinking of zinee's PINK poo and laughed like mad. FYI, babies will hv green poo if u scare them. =D
Then teacher got angry O.o
After History, Jingli very pek chek coz of some reasons. Dont need to be pek chek eh la. yorr....
Chinese. Kept singing the A**** song. Actually i was singing a song i made up but they tot i was imitating them Oh well. then suddenly, ppl was like staring at me and told me i dun hv my book so i hv to get it from the teacher. the teacher was like smiling and told me i got all correct and i got one 'jiang li fen'. Okay.... that's surprising.
then everyone started clapping and i did a sampat move n laugh then beh tong d, need to kneel down and laugh. =D Haha.
After school. Walked to my bus and i saw SZE SZE! OMG. she was holding a purple iPod touch or iPhone. im not sure. so yeng. xinyu told me that the girl is very yeng so that means she really is yeng and it's not jz me that thinks so.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

pretty pretty


GA IN from brown eyed girls. she’s not exactly pretty but she’s very yeng. LOVE HER. =]

a member of RAINBOW. EWW i hate rainbow. but i jz wanna show u her hair. I LOVE HER HAIR. :D nice right?







Wondering why there’s a () ?

Because if i dont put it there, it might sound and look disgusting…

And no, im not horny, nene(n) means lizard in 客家话. Dunno whether it’s real or not. Zinee told me that. Then 黑酱油 is cibai or lanjiao. Not sure.

Don’t scold me or slap me. Im not sure whether it’s real or not. :)

I think CT is mad at me. Coz me and zinee kept nenek-ing and then she came and was like hugging iris and thn we jz said ‘dun care that nenek’ , i think she tot we were insulting her *****. SHIT. DAMN IT. but we still kept laughing like siao lang. HAHA.

CT married iris, so she’s her husband, SECOND husband. The first one is the shuai Zinee. =D

And im her wife. yesh, the very ‘weak and helpless’ wife. LOL.

So asked for zinee’s help to chase away CT. hahahhahahahaha. zinee very shuai whn she was ‘scolding’ CT. hahahaha

so sampat. it sounds soi here , but it was REALLY FUN when we were doing it. =D

Rushed like siao lang drng recess but when i got back at class, the rubbish bin was empty. oh great, i was late. but i rushed like siao lang eh… beh liao, need to be faster nxt time. louis helped me threw away the rubbish. THANK YOU. but actually she was kinda forced by that kebersihan ppl. hate them so much. forced me to ‘derma’ rm1 to the school. siao eh.

Memorized the BM komsas thingy coz got oral test . prayed like hell that the teacher wouldnt finish it that day. AND SHE DIDNT!!! yayayyayayayay. stupid jingli said she will ‘uhhh….uhhhh…’ for us so we would hv more time to prepare but she didnt. walao!!! >=( 

ENGLISH--- LLL called me, well actually she said ‘shi yun’. and i was like, is that me? and then i ignored her BUT everyone turned and looked AT ME and said it’s me.FCUK.if u guys didnt turn arnd, she wouldnt even knw i existed! So no choice, need to stand up. LLL said : which do u prefer? SHIT, i wasnt paying attention . wanted to ask the ppl arnd me but she was looking at ME. so cnt . si liao. so said: GAMES. LLL was like: ‘No, we’re talking about C’ wahhh she didnt scold me, somemore told me nicely. SHOCKED la. so answer her question lor. SO LUCKY. XD


went to the optical shop jz nw. couldnt find the kind of glasses i want so simply choose. nt much choice there but my mom said im still young need to let gao gao eh ppl check my eyes. so cnt go to those optical shops w/ effin nice glasses. WALAO.

campfire later.

my sis is going. shit.

sis: walao. why u so hiao?

me: you also hiao ma

sis: noooo. i’ve always been hiao, but YOU jz become hiao nia, dunno how to control.

me: wtf. *walks away*

yup, this is how it’s gonna be like.

weii..i’ve always been hiao la, u jz din notice nia…

anyways, hope it’s gonna be fun and not boring.coz if it is, im gonna kill myself for wasting 6 hrs on this kind of shit.

sorry if im rude =]

Friday, April 23, 2010



Sometimes…. I don’t even know who am I….

I just feel so lost sometimes…

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


NICHKHUN!!!! <3 <3 <3


  nichkhun.jpg image by _ChaMiE_

The left one is Kim Bum, and the right one is Nichkhun. Dont you think they look alike?  But of course, Nichkhun is wayyy better.

I bet wanchi will fall for Nichkhun too. :D

click to zoom


Tuesday, April 20, 2010








Did that cheer yesterday. Did it countless times and im still lovin’ it!

JL almost gave me money when i said: Gimme me money. == stim nia.

PS. I escaped from BASKETBALL and that scary AC. Gosh, kong bu lo. I went to bola tampar instead. basketball more fun but none of my friends joined it. =.=

Bola Tampar also scaryy since u’ll get hit any minute. thr’s juz many balls flying arnd.  -.-

went to a stupid taklimat. It was stupid, indeed.

We booked places d, but the stud teacher said the laz row can only be the 9th row n we were at the 10th row so SHIT. need to move. then very pek chek cz no place d. Suay nia.

JL’s face very RED. WTF.

Me and Iris kept making love shape and the love cheer. HAAHAHHA.





LOVE! <3


we’re not real lesbians, seriously, imean it.

then the last game was the acting thingy n we din do anything since the othr girls we dunno were planning it alone. so we jz kept talking and did the love cheer and money cheer. but when the teacher looked at us, we pretended to gather arnd to show that we hv ‘teamwork’ bt we really dont hv any idea what the heck are thy doing. i know, very wtf.

but who cares, anyway.

so when it’s time for our group to perform, we jz stood at the corner, looking and joking and making wtf faces. we dont even know what the hell are the girls trying to perform or whatever. i swear, if i din know that our title is ‘hardworking’(which i knew cz i was in the group) i wouldn’t even knw what the fuck are they trying to do.

Zinee so shuai. bt she very yam when she did that kissy lip . :D

Khai Ying sat like a REAL lady, really ladylike, throughout the whole taklimat. while i sat like…. uhh…nt ladylike la and i slept, bt it was jz for a while. =D Im a good girl. *wtf*

YY din attend the taklimat coz she doesnt knw abt it. so stim these days. getting stimmer day by day. :D so cute, but gong. ==

that’s all for yesterday.

now, as for today.

ORAL TEST. fuck.

Damn nervous, man.

I screwed up and the teacher was like

GIRL, please talk louder.

ok lo.

then .

I wanna do over coz i screwed up AGAIN.

Teacher: Girl, u dont hv to be afraid, u have the points and u jz say it.

OK lo.

but she kept staring at me, very scary leh…

so i continued…

then when i finished

she said:

girl, u were very good but please be louder nxt time , i was trying really hard to hear what u were saying jz now arhh.

Ok, fine. i get it, i wasnt loud enuff. but it wasnt my fault that i dont wanna let the whole class hear every single thing i was saying.



will always be teachers…

Anyways, lots of projects.

Sej folio

Geo blog

Geo project

Seni, need to redo. TC, u suck.

Moral card, due ytd, but i din pass up. ><

Sivik card, due this friday.

Sc folio.

Shit. so many projects.

bt i hvnt done any yet. Fuck.

this sucks.

im doomed.

But it’s my first yr so i think it’s okay if i slack off, since i ‘cant get use to the new environment’. i’ll jz use that as an excuse if my teacher asks me y i failed my projects. :D

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bad day =[

Bad day today. All i think and talk about today is CAVE , CAVE , CAVE .


Stupid Zini left me alone coz of some stupid marks!


Zini, i hate you >=(




You’re GOD damn EVIL. =(((((((


PS forgot to mention that Zinee changed her hairstyle ytd and she looks sooooo shuaiiii!!!! <3333


Monday, April 12, 2010

Basketball =[

Latihan rumah sukan is backkkk. IT’S LIKE LIVING HELL.

Permainan starts today, i chose basketball but many ppl chose bola tampar and ping pong. So i asked teacher whether i can change, he said yes, then i said i wanna go to bola tampar, but he said it’s FULL. SHIT.

so no choice, need to head back to basketball. =[[[[[[[[[

Very lonely there. D:

I very kesian nia.

then ** kept staring at me. Wtf.

But when it almost ended, played for a while and i had fun. unbelievable rite? but too bad we had to leave ald by then.

Sad nia.

Saw shuyee and chia ti at the other court. Sy told her frens that im venetia’s sister, but i very lam nua by then so pretended tat i din see her and kept looking at the ground. Suay nia. i know.

Chia Ti so cute :D

Saw indigo today. =]

saw pretty prefect today. =]]

saw alicia today =]]]

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sports Day

Sports Day yesterday. Wasn’t really fun , but ok la. Din bring cammy coz my sis dun lemme bring and say me hiao, then she tou tou bring to school. D8< Evil

Waited for Iris and Kaiqi.

KQ arrived but din see Iris. Waited very long ald so we went back.

I know, very suay.

Zi Nee was waiting for Jingli at the bus stop but she din see her so she followed us and went back in.

But i saw iris and coming out from the school, haha then saw JL and her sis ban ban walk in. pek chek, walk so slow.

Ate hui theng’s sweet at the field. Haha. she hid them in super weird places. so gao.

then went back to class.

Oh yea, a cockroach was CRAWLING on my body. FUCK.

i shouted like siao lang. =]

then went to the bathroom and wash myself. LOL.

suay lo.

used iris comb and combed my hair too. :D

we stood on our chairs bt i still cant see fishy. Damn.


cnt really rmb wad EXACTLY happened. so gonna write them w/o the EXACT order.

many ppl dissapeared.

i mean not really.

but jus went away.

mostly bcoz i kept running arnd to see fishy.


so left me and GT. Sad nia.

bought stuff to eat. saw hoh

Got stopped by a F3 girl. then she tried to pulled me to her stall to buy her kuih or smtg. then another girl said we muz nt trust ppl we dunno , then she said i shud trust her then pulled me. WTF

i think phoebe saw me , she pointed at me.  but i turned away. so i dun think she knw it’s me.


the f3 girls found a new target so she let us go. LOLLLL.

i wanted to go look at the stalls over there so i walked towards the crazy f3 girl’s stall’s direction. she pulled GT. so i bought the kuih baulu w/ chocolate thingy. then when i turned arnd, she saw me, then i quickly turned arnd and walk away.

went to canteen to eat then i left GT and the othrs and walked arnd w/ yy.

saw zinee.

bought pizza

and fish n chips.

saw alicia. =D

saw my brother. sorry, but no smiley for you.

then saw St and her frens.

told them whr alicia is.

they went crazy n went looking for her.


went to the canteen, saw iris and lisyin.

saw suyuen.

sat down.



and saw fishy.

iris and lisyin left.

so me and zinee went ‘hunting’ for fishy. =D

i vry siao. i knw.

went back to class.

went down w/ GT.

saw indigo.

RAN UPSTAIRS n saw my classmates coming down telling me thy saw indigo. awww…

indigo w/ xm by then.

cant go upstairs to see her. so sad man.

me and zinee stared at fishy outside our class and she stared bac at us.

ran down to see her.

bt she was standing by the stairs and looking at me. shit.

so i pretend to look confuse and turned arnd weirdly and ran back up.

im sampat.


saw wiing yi!!!

asked JL to sprayed water at me bt she failed. sprayed into my drink.


went back

xinyu took many soi pics of me.

and recorded a vid of me sha jiao-ing.

I LIKE THAT VID. im so sampat in it. xD

took many soi pics too.

to see the pics, click the link

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm black.

OH yes i am .
which is why, i used my sister's whitening mask. jus washed it off a few mins ago.
my sister's idea. O.o
she said it works. she cant be trusted bt it's worth a try. Lol

Thursday, April 8, 2010

im over it hahahah – again. LOL

im over it. Hahahahahhaa


HAHA yea…


im crazy


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I got my tuki today. oh yeah!


Got it during the laz period. BM.

Here it is :)))))

IMG_5145 Found this hanging on its ear. =))) Minam!!!

IMG_5149 MY BELOVED. Lee Hong Ki!!!!! Aka Jeremy





IMG_5155the ears are SOO CUTE, u can fold it and it will become a pig. and whn u dun fold it,it’s a RABBIT! =D



IMG_5160 the adorable piggy’s tail!

IMG_5161 cutie legs.



IMG_5164 RIBBON. if it comes w/ the pin, i would go crazy!!! too bad it doesn’t. T.T

IMG_5165 it’s not looking at me . =[

IMG_5166 IMG_5167

see my hand? LOL

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Eff you see kay

I hate my moral teacher. she sucks. Eff you see kay YOU. (stolen from xm, not xian ming)
You din mengamalkan sikap amanah. Remember that word? You taught us that word :)
hate her so much.
din let us go to see the ping pong match. LOTS OF SHUAI GE you know????!!!
I sounded desperate.
anyways,me and my friends are TLing her =]
speaking of ping pong, i snuck out of the classroom several times so i got to see the guys a bit. bt my real motive is to see indigo. xp
saw those ping pong guys at the canteen.
according to iris, they're from Phor Tay private school. Yesh, private school guys are hott. I sounded disgusting. ewww...
I wanna go to private school. xD
*wahhh!! when i bcome so hiao arh?*
PS stared at Alicia today for a long time. Syok lor

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm cute. WTF

Lisyin and YE say me cute

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I want a Lomo camera

I want a lomography camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki has one, so cute!! Jealous.. >=(




Looks like a toy rite?

So damn cute!!!

this is a picture taken by a lomo cam. nice rite?

other examples of pics taken using the lomo cam

from daydreamlily

from daydreamlily

from daydreamlily


*coughs* so uhh my birthday is coming *coughs* *coughs* *coughs*.

If you’re kind, then give me  LOMO CAM!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Aunt's house ---- broadband sucks

In my aunt's house rite now. Using her lime green dell inspiron. =D
my sister is gonna be super JEALOUS. MUAHAHAHA
nenenipupu! not really sure wht im saying = =
anyways, broadband sucks.
oh yea, it does.
n it disconnects easily!
so u hv to reconnect again and again.
ive been playing for abt an hr now and i hvnt really surfed the webs that i want to so far. im nt exaggerating, i mean it.
so to all those ppl who's planning to use a broadband, DON'T. COZ YOU'LL REGRET.
FYI, it's JINGLI'S bday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Home alone

Home alone now.

not the first time but my family is at SEGAMAT , JOHOR now.



all coz of that pandu enrollment thingy.

sis asked yanjing and she said VERY VERY IMPORTANT de, muz go. WTF

so i had stay here while everyone is at jhor.


Very emo lo laz nite. Weird to hear that coming from me rite?


so im gonna post some pics to kill time.


wheelFound this pic in the mail Xinyu sent me.

To all PCGPS students, does it look familiar to you?

If you dont know, lemme jus tell u.

Rmb the stupid wheel thingy we had to put our shoes in? and we all refuse to put it IN there and jus put it on the floor?

never knw it’s so ‘famous’

my sis lost my CORBY SD card so i cant post the pics i took w/ my phone. F you

Friday, April 2, 2010


I saw indigo at the book fair in school for ONE HR two days ago. =]




Added four new songs in my playlist.

1. Hot air balloon – owl city (seems to be hving some problem, cant play it)

2. Vanilla twilight – owl city

3. Avalache – Marie Digby

4. Don’t stop believin’ –  Number one gun

5. Alice – Avril Lavigne

In LOVE w/ Owl City.

is it me or do all their songs sound so magical? LOL

Don’t leave in such a rush and listen to these songs. I swear it’s worth it.


Hot air balloon

We wrote a prelude
To our own fairy tale
And bought a parachute
At a church rummage sale

And with a mean sewing machine
And miles of thread
We sewed the day above L.A.
In navy and red

We wound a race track
Through your mom's kitchen chairs
And fought the shadows back
Down your dark basement stairs

I lit a match, then let it catch
To light up the room
And then you yelled as we beheld
An old maroon hot air balloon

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town

I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

La la la la la laaa
La la la la la laaa

We drank the Great Lakes
Like cold lemonade
And both got stomach aches
Sprawled out in the shade

So bored to death you held your breath
And I tried not to yawn
You made my frown turn upside down
And now my worries are gone

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town

I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town

I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

Don’t stop believin’

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city boy
Born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smoky room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people