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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Eff you see kay

I hate my moral teacher. she sucks. Eff you see kay YOU. (stolen from xm, not xian ming)
You din mengamalkan sikap amanah. Remember that word? You taught us that word :)
hate her so much.
din let us go to see the ping pong match. LOTS OF SHUAI GE you know????!!!
I sounded desperate.
anyways,me and my friends are TLing her =]
speaking of ping pong, i snuck out of the classroom several times so i got to see the guys a bit. bt my real motive is to see indigo. xp
saw those ping pong guys at the canteen.
according to iris, they're from Phor Tay private school. Yesh, private school guys are hott. I sounded disgusting. ewww...
I wanna go to private school. xD
*wahhh!! when i bcome so hiao arh?*
PS stared at Alicia today for a long time. Syok lor

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