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Monday, April 26, 2010

PINK POO and campfire

Dunno where to start.
Was really sampat during PE. never knew badminton could be so fun. :)
My shoe had a big brownish red stain. Eww... Blame stupid bola tampar. My hands were like RED this morning. Scary... But my 'skills' improved. :D
After PE, still laughing like mad. Had a hard time climbing up the stairs since we were laughing like mad. Iris cut her fringe. AGAIN. WTF.
During History, we kept talking and freezing each other. I know it's lame. I got the idea when i was making fun of xinyu coz shes's from Kadet Polis. POLICE. so FREEZE. BTW, the CAMPFIRE WAS SO DARN FUN!!! XDDDD
Okay, back to history.
Kept laughing and talking. kept thinking of zinee's PINK poo and laughed like mad. FYI, babies will hv green poo if u scare them. =D
Then teacher got angry O.o
After History, Jingli very pek chek coz of some reasons. Dont need to be pek chek eh la. yorr....
Chinese. Kept singing the A**** song. Actually i was singing a song i made up but they tot i was imitating them Oh well. then suddenly, ppl was like staring at me and told me i dun hv my book so i hv to get it from the teacher. the teacher was like smiling and told me i got all correct and i got one 'jiang li fen'. Okay.... that's surprising.
then everyone started clapping and i did a sampat move n laugh then beh tong d, need to kneel down and laugh. =D Haha.
After school. Walked to my bus and i saw SZE SZE! OMG. she was holding a purple iPod touch or iPhone. im not sure. so yeng. xinyu told me that the girl is very yeng so that means she really is yeng and it's not jz me that thinks so.

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