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Monday, February 8, 2010

Stadium (:

Today was an EXTREMELY FUN day.
Talked and joked a lot today. xD
Kq brought her biyekan thingy so we searched for shuai ge. And i've come to the conclusion that kong hua has ZERO shuai ges. =.=

Ct brought her wen kai school pics. and sy showed us the shuai ges bt i dont think they're actually shuai. nyehehe

Went to stadium today.

Climbed the 观众席 thingy and it was FUN. Climbed it 5 times. xD
1st time- It was a lil bit scary coz it's extremely high. Murni damn scared. =P
2nd- same...
3rd-nt so scary after all
4th-ct said she wanted to go to so we climbed again. When we reached the top, she turn and screamed coz she realized how high it is. Lols :D
5th- same same...

We kept making the peace sign and shout and laugh whenever we reach the top. It's fun. If i had a camera, i wud be taking pics LIKE MAD. xD

PLus! I saw a wy lookalike. Haha~~
Turns out sy knows the st john girl from my bus. O.o
"It's a small world after all...."

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