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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Zini’s house+Queensbay

After watching Percy Jackson,I went to Zini’s house.

DSC06648 people everywhere. This is just part of it.

Damn, should have brought my camera so i could take HQ pictures. D:

DSC06649 the pool

DSC06650 the other side of the pool.

IT’S A BIG POOL, i tell you.

We went to that playground again and there’s this cute lil boy that kept laughing when he saw me and he kept finding me when im gone. LOL

I climbed up that stair thingy and he was looking arnd and said: ‘i want to find the black shirt one’ to his MOM. WTF. and her mom said ‘she’s up there’ and i waved and smiled. *awkward moment*

We tried to took pics but it was soo freakin dark that our pics turned out to be horrible…

Yy i was acting cool whn i sat on that stair thingy. WTF.

Her mom took his bro to that badminton court so we went along coz she said she’ll drop us at QB. xD

My sis freaked out whn she knew i was in QB,she wanted me to buy smtg for her bt i had NO MONEY. Gosh.

I took zini and yy to FOREVER 21. We took pics and we were rili noisy and ppl started to stare so we walked out. –.-

DSC06654 Stupid pricetags. yy so soi.

DSC06656 it’s nt a pose, im holding the pricetag…

DSC06658 on our way out of QB. Sticks’ window.

Went to Noodle Station in e-Gate cz Old town was full w/ ppl.

DSC06659 Nice lights. :)

DSC06660 ppl in noodle station.

DSC06661 zini and her beloved mom.

DSC06662 I Miss You Lemonade. Cool, name huh? It tastes good too. =D

DSC06663 murni’s choc milkshake,tastes lyk choc ice cream bt i cant think of the brand of the ice cream.

DSC06664 zini’s.

DSC06665 her dad’s

then his bro came out of nowhere. How did he get here? O.o

DSC06666 fries.

DSC06667 her mom’s

DSC06669 woah~~ it looks like i spilled my drink. HAHA but no, i didn’t\

DSC06670 zini’s effin pretty phone.  used it to google logan lerman for yy to see

DSC06671 jay screen saver.


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