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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gurney w/o St and Hoh

Went to Gurney with Wanchi, zini and murni today.

We didn’t watch The Princess and The Frog. I forgot why…

Murni was LATE. So we walked around first. I don’t know why but we stood outside a jewelry shop for a LONG TIME. lol? Then I saw someone I saw when I went to Dewan Sri Pinang.

Went to Parkson coz I wanna show them the cute cups. xD

We saw lots of cute baby clothes on our way. =D

Then we went to BBQ chicken for lunch. Wc didn’t order anything. Me and Zini ate the Jerk BBQ and Orange Juice. Murni came when we were eating. She ordered some weird sandwich which turned out to be really really BIG. lol.

DSC05735 Murni ordered this.

DSC05736 Zini…

DSC05737 Mine. Zini said it’s really spicy but I don’t think so…

DSC05738 Wc

Went to CYC. Mega Kiddies World. Spent RM18, DAMN IT. Sponsored RM 2 for wc coz she not enuff money.

DSC05739 The lady at the counter who kept joking with us. She just wants our MONEY….


DSC05741 The BALLS.

DSC05742 Shooting balls. :)





DSC05747 Tons of balls.

DSC05750DSC05749 DSC05748  Murni ‘sleeping’.

DSC05751 MURNI!!!

DSC05753 Peace out, yo.


DSC05755 Looks like a lil kid. But it’s MURNI.

DSC05756 We went inside the room where only 3 year-olds are allowed.

Me and Wc chased zini and murni. Caught zini. Murni was tired so we stopped. Sat down and rest for a while. Took some pics while resting.



DSC05761 Murni’s head ‘magically’ dissapeared… Lolx

DSC05762 see that little girl? that’s the one who cried when we talked to her. She’s also the one who found my phone when I ‘lost’’ it.


DSC05764 Zini… ==

DSC05765 LOVE this.


DSC05767DSC05769  DSC05768

Thn we went to the arcade. That stupid steering wheel(racing game) got prob then i lose till very cham. .>=(

Sat down and talked about Autumn’s concerto with murni. =) She gave me chocolate, Ferroro Rocher(is that how u spell it?) Wadever lahh.

DSC05770 Went to Coffee Bean. Shared an ice blended- double chocolate with murni. Stayed thr for a long time. Wc smsed mw and she said I kiam pak. :(

DSC05771 They look like those couples who are arguing and are ignoring each other. lol

DSC05772 hehe. Wc using Coffee Bean’s wi-fi. Showed me some kim bum stuff, love him.

Went to Artist Gallery. They played FEARLESS!! But they stopped it and played FIFTEEN! But then they STOPPED IT AGAIN AND PLAYED some stupid song. >=(

Went to MPH. Cnt find the snsd book. :( Showed murni her vic. Zini bcame sampat again when she saw Jay. swt.

Went to Pasta Mania.

DSC05773 Zini was the only one eating coz we dont have any money left. Her chocolate drink spilled and her bag was wet. kesiannya..

DSC05776 I look so weird… wc looks like she’s seducing someone

DSC05778 two sampat pos…

DSC05779 Nice…

Took some pics with murni near the christmas tree. Some foreigner asked us to help them take a pic of them and I helped them, See? I so good. Haha. jk jk.

DSC05780 Went home. CYC thingy. Not planning on throwing it away. haha.

pics from murni’s phone.

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