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Thursday, December 3, 2009

SLEEPOVER (zini’s house)

Went to Zini’s house yesterday. Only me and tyy went nia, but still fun XD

Her mom is a damn good cook, hehe. Love her food, zini so lucky D:

Zini mom’s frens came too. zini said one of them very sampat de, hehe. Watched 我的野蛮奶奶or something like dt, forgot the name d. I like the girl lo, so ‘chubii’.

Zini goin to Taiwan tomoro. O= So she needs to pack lorh, and some of her clothes really cute lo. =D

Then we chose our ‘bed’. I slept at dt ‘mini-bed’ near the window and those creepy mirrors. Tyy slept at the 公主床/ ‘cinderella bed’. Zini slept on the floor. Zini damn sampat de nyehehehehe

We ‘抽签’and wc’s,hoh’s,st’s papers dissapeared…vry creepy lo. we put all of them in a box n all the othr papers were in there except wc’s,st’s,hoh’s.

Then talked a lot, tyy said she wanna 发泄 but she din really 发泄de…==

Talked till 3 smtg, tyy very tired d, she went to her cinderella bed and lay down, me and zini said she very ‘适合睡公主床’haha~ But it’s true…

Before we sleep, zini let us choose some soft toys to ‘sleep wiv us’. I chose a lot lo, but then put some bac. Hehe

B4 dt, we went to brush our teeth n tyy din follow me n zini so i ma ask her y lo. And she said she 4gt to bring her toothbrush and toothpaste. HAHAHAHA! I kept laughing and the toothpaste came out of my mouth, zini very kelian lorh. :D

Woke up very l8 this morning and I asked my dad to come at 12.30 but he said cnt, can only fetch me arnd 12. T_T

Used zini mom’s vaio laptop for a while. Cnt use the HP touch screen laptop coz her brother using. >=(

Thn i wanna go bac d, murni cnt find her hp, so we dialed her number but cnt hear her phone ringing so we said her phone fell down when she was takin pics XD. Helped her to find for a very long time, then she found it. it was at the couch, ‘under’ it, actually. Her couch is ‘sound-proof’ de, cnt hear the hp’s ringtone. HAHA

Then I ma go bac d lorh, duno whether tyy and zini got play or not. Tyy wanna play ‘slide-slide’ (slide, but tyy called it slide slide. O.o)


DSC05332 it was on zini’s table. Kinda cute

DSC05333 Those are books…

DSC05334 Zini mom’s fren made these, i think.

DSC05336 Tom yam. we ate this after dinner, love the meatballs :) Love the sausage her mom made, love the muffins too. :D

DSC05337 Her laptop damn nice de.

DSC05338 the mouse pink de, really nice :D. Cnt take pic of the HP laptop coz her bro using, But u can kinda see the HP laptop in this pic


See those weird ‘patches’? Zini purposely asked her granny to sew it like dt de. 4gt to take pic of the elmo one, :(

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