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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lots of uhh…stuff?

Feel lyk changing my template AGAIN coz I found many nice ones in But I’m really lazy to change it again :D

Lovin the :D sign, duno why. XD

Watched the trailer of a movie called Black Sheep, it’s a ‘horror comedy’ lol, it’s damn stupid, i mean come on, man-eating sheep?!

I think I actually like my sister’s story……gonna read it now…haha?

Okay…this is weird…

I WANNA WATCH NEW MOON!!! But I cnt T_T Damn ‘depressed’. *fake* Heh..reminds me of the ‘get-kick-out-of-school-coz-of-fake-crying’ incident. XD

Anyways, watched What Happens In Vegas(i think dt’s the title…) wiv my sis today. Really NICE, bt the guy’s hair is bugging me… But the movie still nice la, even though got a lil bit bian tai and stuff but kinda gan dong.

Still hvn’t watched the laz ep of You’re Beautiful (I usually call it the lee hong ki drama, lols). No mood these days, jz now finally got mood edi, but my stud bro wanna use the laptop and he almost cried >=(

Named this post ‘Lots of uhh…stuff?’ coz I mentioned lots of stuff here. nyehehehehehehe~

PS kept using ‘rojak’ these days, duno why O.o

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