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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Going to another class 2moro

Our teacher didn't come for the past two days and she came today. The HM said she went to '批改' bt she din say 批改wad. The teacher asked us about what the HM said to us and she was relieved when she heard our answer. So it's obvious she's hiding something.
We took photos for the 90周年book thingy today. ST didn't come, Zini keep saying her 'wife' will hit me coz I '勾引' her. Lol. Everyone in std6 needs to be in the picture bt thy're too many of us so thy divide us into groups and photoshop our pictures into one, I bet they'll change the backgroud too. I was in the last group which means we are with the teachers. I don't like it or hate it, as long as I don't have to sit wiv the teacher then it's fine. Btw, I can ten in front of **.MUAHAHHAHAHA.
We went to the 活动场所today and I didn't practice coz thr's smtg wrong wiv the radio. We went there during English played UNO. I dun wanna play coz of the wind. So i walk around and 吹风. PS some OTHER were there too, the white guy brought smtg dt looks lyk a laptop bt is actually smtg else. Idk wad the hell is it. Grace and the others kept saying dt the boys are lame...okay...

BTW, I'M GOING TO A5 tomorrow. None of my close friends gt go....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Esquire House

OMG. I wanna live in an Esquire House. It's so damn big and nice!!!!
Dunno wad to do rite now. I need to get ready for MsGan's tuition after a few minutes. T_T
So I'm gonna write about crap and you're gonna READ THEM!! MUAHAHAHA. (swt...)
Btw, I saw some clear pictures of Kim Jae Joong and now I know why so many ppl are so obsessed over him. He has such great skin even though he's a boy. *jealous*

Sunday, September 27, 2009

PX’s party


I went to Peixi’s party last night. And I took a long time to find her house. Thr’s a map on the invitation card bt I lost it. ST called me and asked for directions bt I cnt tell her coz I also dunno. SORRY.

I arrived and gave her the present. It’s a cup wiv ‘Happy Birthday to you’ written on it.

Ate some junk food and KFC. I took the drumstick and jx took the last one so thr’s none left for ST. Actually thr was one left bt it s*cks so she din take it.

Her house isn’t really big bt it’s kinda pretty coz thr’s lots of green there. The trees remind me of my kindergarten. T_T I miss being a silly little kid. Haha.

JW,GT played basketball and we were betting whether ball will get into the basket(????) Jw was good at first bt then nt so good l8r. She was desperately trying again and again bt failed.

Then we played Musical Chairs(kinda lame…) ST kept saying I was cheating. Haha. And she kept calling Zini to keep an eye on me. Lol. GKMY won. She kept touching the chairs when it was still jx, jw and her left. Jx vry kelian coz those two were really ‘crazy’ and she’s nt ‘crazy’ person. They kept touching the chairs so she lost. Lol.

I gt bitten by many mosquitoes. CURSE YOU. So i jumped and walked around for a while so the mosquitoes won’t target me. Bt i stopped coz I look stupid.

Played another game which we hv to guess the 成语, such an educational game. Haha. GKMY’s expression was really funny. LOL. My leg was itching lyk crazy and yy said she’s afraid to look at my leg. Very scary meh? Zini and her ‘baby’, AKA ST was creating lots of 成语and 谚语 abt me and **. Wtf la. I wasn’t mad coz they were really creative and funny.

PeiXi gt an iPhone and a BONIA bag as her bday prezzie from her parents!!!!!!!!!An iPhone!!!!!!!!!!!! Zini vry bei syok. Haha. Cool down la Jay.

Thr’s also another game. We exchange names and we hv to memorize them. I gt ST. We are divided into two groups and thr’s a blanket seperating us. Thr will be one group member in front of the others and when the blanket is gone, you hv to say their fake names. Thr’s another round dt we use boys’ names and I gt Wj. Zini gt sze shao. And yy gt LOOI. She threw it at me as soon as she gt it bt I refused to exchange wiv her. Zini din get KL. Haiz. When it was my turn, jowyn was at the othr side of the blanket and we kept eating(i think it was a lolipop or smtg) so her mom asked us to stop. After she said my fake name, she suddenly asked me:你的酸的吗? Vry swt lorh……

I went back during the last game so her mom said she’ll ask px to tell me the answers and the results on Monday-which is tomorrow.


DSC04245 NICE..

DSC04246 See? It’s pretty!

DSC04247 JW and Grace Tan playing basketball. Rachel walking by, Grace eating KFC.

DSC04248 Reminds me of my kindergarten…..

DSC04249 The SKY.

DSC04250 Jw playing basketball

DSC04251 My shadow. AHH I’M SO TALL!!! LOL

DSC04252 4gt who’s shadow is this


DSC04254 Jw

I think I’m sick



I think I’m sick~

T_T need to go to school tomorrow…..

Sry wc, i hvn’t blogged abt px’s party……

Friday, September 25, 2009


Jz listened to Rascal Flatts ‘Why’ and it’s really nice. I think ‘beautiful’ should be more suitable. Dt guy’s voice is soo good, it’s better than a girl’s voice. *jealous*

Anyways, u shud really listen to it and take a look at the lyrics. The lyrics are so awesome.

My fave part is:

‘Oh why, there's no comprehending.
And who am I to try to judge or explain
Oh, but I do have one burning question
Who told you life wasn't worth the fight
They were wrong, they lied.
Now you're gone, and we cried
Cause it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song.
Your beautiful song. Your absolutely beautiful song’

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'm waiting for the webpage to finish loading....
Still waiting.....
Still waiting.....

Chinese websites take a long time to load, don't u think so?

I'm trying to finish a project here, for jz once, will u please jz hurry up??? PLEASE.....?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I went to Gurney today wiv ST,WC,TYY,Zini &Hoh. This trip is special cz Hoh was thr and it’s the first time we’re going out wiv her.

When I finished eating breakfast, my tummy starts hurting like hell! That s*cks SOOOO BAD. I had to arrive l8 coz of dt. And ST has to be l8 too coz I’m fetching her. Sorry……

After eating some weird pills, I feel better bt nt totally fine. So I got up and get ready.

Arrived at Gurney and all of them were already thr. It’s a good thing i arrived l8 coz Hoh’s mom was thr b4 we arrived and Zini said she’s really ‘scary’… Hah Lucky me.=)))

ST and WC went to take the tickets while Hoh,zini,fishy and me jz walked around. Went to S&J for a while to buy present for peixi. Then, went to McDonalds for lunch. Saw my sis and her friends, she showed me Goddrick(dk hw 2 spell) and she said YunXuan might be there.

After lunch, we went 2 the arcade and I think I saw T****** and his fren. I played the racing game and got 1ST PLACE!! XDDDDD I took lots of pictures there too.

Went to toilet and bought popcorn. Stood waiting for almost half an hour coz the guy said we cnt go in yet. He said 5 mins and after 5 mins, he said we still had to wait. WTF….PS we ate sweets while waiting. Zh was thr too and he kept looking at ST. MUAHAHAHAHA. Plus, we watched the same movie(‘Where got ghost’) bt he didn’t sit wiv ST. Haiz, kesiannya…

Hoh went back and we accompanied her to Parkson to wait for her mom. I dun need to giv her a present coz I accompanied her. =))) Took pics thr too.

Walked arnd, I ate a hotdog pretzel from Auntie Ann’s (is dt how u spell it?i 4gt d). It tastes diff from the Queensbay one. Saw my sis at HotDog1901. And I saw a lesbian anime at Speedy(is it? I 4gt..)

Bought prezzie for Px n I 4gt to buy for Hoh. Shit la. ST,WC, YY were at Pasta Mania when Zini and I were buying prezzie for hoh and peixi.

Went to Pasta Mania and my sis went thr to meet me. She gt lost. LOL. Ordered pizza and my sis ate evn thgh she din pay for it…

Went home after dt, it was raining so the main entrance was really crowded. Aiyo…

My sis told a lot of stories abt *ahem* I think u know who and many others too.

Pics below:


DSC04144 ‘YY’s bedroom’ LOL

DSC04145The Hari Raya decorations are kinda lame… No offense


DSC04147 We’re nt gonna watch any of those movies.

DSC04149 Some girl dancing in the arcade.

DSC04150 The arcade….. Weren’t many ppl thr coz it was kinda early.

DSC04151 CHeck out the light, kinda looks like those scenes from horror films.

DSC04152 Idk who’s this, I actually wanted to take a picture of ST bt she walked away when I pressed ‘Capture’.

DSC04153 ST….


DSC04157 Hoh…

DSC04158 I recorded a video of them playing….


DSC04161 Tyy playing the car racing game.

DSC04162 I also recorded a video. XD

DSC04164 DSC04166

  DSC04173 Zini playing basketball. The white-shirt girl bside her is Shuyee’s sister.

DSC04174 Balls bouncing around…



 DSC04177 A fat guy playing the motorcycle thingy…



DSC04180 TYY

DSC04181 Ball on the floor…  TOt this was memorable so….SNAP!

DSC04182 Can u see it? Thr’s a couple thr.

DSC04183 YY

DSC04184 A guy ‘dancing’. Tot this was weird so SNAP

DSC04185 WC and Yy ‘dancing’. Wc stepped so hard on dt thing and Yy’s left foot was on the ‘left’ button all the time…. PS she didn’t notice it…


DSC04187 Zini and Wc


DSC04189 St and yy

DSC04190 Wc

DSC04191A woman playing a game wiv her baby…

DSC04193Popcorn!! The casing’s shape looks nice… I noe la, very swt

DSC04194 Took this whn we waited for hoh’s mom. NIIICE….



DSC04198 The pretty + cute bakery dt sells cute bread. Haha.