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Friday, September 11, 2009


Headmistress sort of scold us this morning. And teacher told her dt we kept on going to toilet. When we went back to class, teacher told us dt we need to write smtg in a book whenever we leave the class. We need to write our names, the reason we're going out, the time we went out and the time we came back. This kinda sucks coz a lot of ppl will jz ignore teacher and nt really write it.
A lot of ppl from our class went out to take pictures so we went to the back and talk. Gkmy saw blood on Wc's teeth and I saw it too so we went to the toilet to see it. Bt Wc kept saying 哪里有?都没有,你看错啦 and she even said it was only the effect of the sunlight or blah blah blah. I really saw it.....and so did evryone else. ST and the others helped us write in the book and they wrote :牙齿流血for Wc's 'reason of going out' and mine is to accompany her. Wc cancel it with a pen and we told her nt to. Jy was thr so she probably will tell teacher dt we fake the reason and blah blah blah. So we liquid the whole thing and wrote it again. Great.... now teacher will suspect dt we're jz faking it. Wadever now since UPSR is over and we might nt evn get to go to the graduation trip. So why nt jz hv fun now? I wanna 游荡after the stupid Moral and Kemahiran Hidup test coz it's much safer by then.

St kept telling me abt Sienna Miller. For example, her realtionship wiv Jude Law , her career and why she dropped out of Sherlock Holmes jz coz Jude Law gt casted as one of the characters. Yy kept saying Sienna is vry 可怜.

Teacher told us our 'marks' for upsr. they're nt really accurate though. Plus, a lot of ppl gt B for chinese so I think above 75% can gt A.

** cried today and I bet the XX is so happy. She doesn't even deserve to get an A, ppl lyk her should fail the test. Stupid XX. Btw, I noticed dt YL kept looking at ** when she's crying and WJ acted lyk he doesn't care(act cool). Jingcai also gt B and the other boys were comforting him, bt I think they're lyk joking around. The boys were also teasing XX and XX looks happy. Curse XX.

Jz a few minutes b4 school ends, jingyan and xm were 'catwalking' or smtg and jy was wearing a 'scarf' made of dirty cloth or wadever it is. This feels like a moment to say 'wtf'. So, wtf. Bt it is funny though.

Jz on9 for abt an hr coz I was reading epop. Maybe I shoud buy more magz to keep me away from the computer. Lol.

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