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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Grandpa’s bday

It's my grandpa's birthday today, which is why I cnt go to Gurney.
I slept really really late laz nite so my mom had to give us a 'morning call' to wake us up. (She called at 12pm) She said we have to get ready now coz we're going to grandpa's house at 1.15. My mom called again at 1pm and said she's on her way and we can come down now. Bt my sis was bz texting and I was chrging my phone so we went down late. And my mom yelled at us on the phone. So i just pressed 'end call' to avoid it damaging my ear.
Arrived late and my aunts said dt thy wanna go back already. (they came here early in the morning when I was still in bed. plus, my bro and cousin needs to go to tuition so we went thr late). Bt then they said thy'll stay for a while. My mom bought a cake, which I think Zoanne's mom made it coz we always buy cakes from her. The cakes has two strawberries on the top and we're gonna give it to my grandpa and grandma bt he left early after eating the cake so my cousin said she wanna eat it. Bt she didn't said it directly, she keep saying: 没有人吃strawberry了,要给谁吃leh? And she was standing beside the cake and kept looking at the strawberries so my mom said give it to her.
That's what's left of the cake.
My bro and my cousins were playing the computer.

DSC03959  My bro needs to go to a tuition l8r so he needs to finish his homework now. PS he’s writing an essay.

DSC03960 My cousin(she has the same initial as me,Sy) who wanted to eat the strawberries. She’s 9, and so is my bro. He’s ‘teaching’ my bro how to write his essay. She’s actually jz showing off her essay which she finished it long ago. And she keeps telling me she always gets A-, and she also asked me why she cnt get B. Stupid question.

DSC03961 My other cousin bz playing a computer game. He is the younger brother of Sy(nt me) Look at his shirt. LOl.

DSC03962 Another pic of him. Why is he standing? He has a chair……

PS dt’s my sister’s phone. Txting yx again.

DSC03963 My grandma coming out of the kitchen. She told us dt my uncle(father of my two cousins) bought a three-storey house and Sy kept saying dt it’s really big. Showing off again……haiz, I’m so used to it dt I don’t feel annoyed.

DSC03964 Jumping up and down. I think he won the game or smtg.

DSC03965  Jumping up and down, AGAIN.

DSC03966  She looks weird here. She’s like an older version of my mom. Bt she doesn’t look like my mom when she was young.

DSC03967 My sis and my cousin.

DSC03969 My bro playing the Scooby Doo game. My two cousins and my sis are around him.

PS if you’re wondering why are there only two cousins, I’ll tell u why, all of them went back already…. And one of them is in Chung Ling attending an activity.

Then we went to fetch Zoanne’s sister to tuition. I dk whr coz my mom drop me home first. 

I guess dt’s it….?!


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