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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Phone Bill

It was raining when I woke up so laid down and slept for a few more hrs. Woke up at 11.05. Haha. 55 mins away from 12(I was supposed to be at gkmy’s house at 12)

I didn’t go 2 gkmy’s house today. I txted Jiawen and told her I couldn’t go bt i’m nt sure whether she received it or nt. I’m happy coz I get to finish my stud BM project. XD

My sister’s phone bill was RM120++ !!! OMG!!!! Her credit limit is RM100 and we hvn’t paid it yet so she cnt use her phone till we pay her phone bill. LOL. My dad showed us our phone bill statement thingy. And I found out my sis sent 900++ sms laz month! hahahahaha. I’m way better than her. I only sent 54 sms. =) I’m such a ‘good girl’. Haha. Bt if i only sent 54 sms, my phone bill should only be RM2.72 rite, bt it’s RM 50++ and they also chrged me RM0.20 for mobile internet usage. WTF LA! I din even use the internet n my phone cnt evn access the internet due to some stupid problems. My dad keep saying celcom gets lots of money coz of stupid ppl lyk us dt sends tons of txt msg. T_T. Actually he was referring to my sis. Haha.


PS I’M eating some kind of brownish thing, idk wad the hell is it.

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