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Sunday, September 27, 2009

PX’s party


I went to Peixi’s party last night. And I took a long time to find her house. Thr’s a map on the invitation card bt I lost it. ST called me and asked for directions bt I cnt tell her coz I also dunno. SORRY.

I arrived and gave her the present. It’s a cup wiv ‘Happy Birthday to you’ written on it.

Ate some junk food and KFC. I took the drumstick and jx took the last one so thr’s none left for ST. Actually thr was one left bt it s*cks so she din take it.

Her house isn’t really big bt it’s kinda pretty coz thr’s lots of green there. The trees remind me of my kindergarten. T_T I miss being a silly little kid. Haha.

JW,GT played basketball and we were betting whether ball will get into the basket(????) Jw was good at first bt then nt so good l8r. She was desperately trying again and again bt failed.

Then we played Musical Chairs(kinda lame…) ST kept saying I was cheating. Haha. And she kept calling Zini to keep an eye on me. Lol. GKMY won. She kept touching the chairs when it was still jx, jw and her left. Jx vry kelian coz those two were really ‘crazy’ and she’s nt ‘crazy’ person. They kept touching the chairs so she lost. Lol.

I gt bitten by many mosquitoes. CURSE YOU. So i jumped and walked around for a while so the mosquitoes won’t target me. Bt i stopped coz I look stupid.

Played another game which we hv to guess the 成语, such an educational game. Haha. GKMY’s expression was really funny. LOL. My leg was itching lyk crazy and yy said she’s afraid to look at my leg. Very scary meh? Zini and her ‘baby’, AKA ST was creating lots of 成语and 谚语 abt me and **. Wtf la. I wasn’t mad coz they were really creative and funny.

PeiXi gt an iPhone and a BONIA bag as her bday prezzie from her parents!!!!!!!!!An iPhone!!!!!!!!!!!! Zini vry bei syok. Haha. Cool down la Jay.

Thr’s also another game. We exchange names and we hv to memorize them. I gt ST. We are divided into two groups and thr’s a blanket seperating us. Thr will be one group member in front of the others and when the blanket is gone, you hv to say their fake names. Thr’s another round dt we use boys’ names and I gt Wj. Zini gt sze shao. And yy gt LOOI. She threw it at me as soon as she gt it bt I refused to exchange wiv her. Zini din get KL. Haiz. When it was my turn, jowyn was at the othr side of the blanket and we kept eating(i think it was a lolipop or smtg) so her mom asked us to stop. After she said my fake name, she suddenly asked me:你的酸的吗? Vry swt lorh……

I went back during the last game so her mom said she’ll ask px to tell me the answers and the results on Monday-which is tomorrow.


DSC04245 NICE..

DSC04246 See? It’s pretty!

DSC04247 JW and Grace Tan playing basketball. Rachel walking by, Grace eating KFC.

DSC04248 Reminds me of my kindergarten…..

DSC04249 The SKY.

DSC04250 Jw playing basketball

DSC04251 My shadow. AHH I’M SO TALL!!! LOL

DSC04252 4gt who’s shadow is this


DSC04254 Jw

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