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Thursday, October 22, 2009

2009 Childrens' Day (AKA Last year of Childrens' Day)

Childrens' Day today!
Not REALLY fun, bt still fun la. Brought camera and hp. Px also brought camera bt she din 申请 and she copy us '光明正大拿出来'

Jaiho's dancers chged b4 the othrs cz their performance is b4 recess. We kept saying they are sexy when they hvn't wore the sari. Haha. ** kept following us....
ST wanna take pic of that mingyi kid and rouxing. Mingyi is the 'evil' one. ST said when she was trying to take a picture, mingyi told teacher that thr's someone taking their picture so ST ran away.

They played 'be with you' by Akon ft wilber pan(pan wei bo). Woohoo! Bt cnt laugh and go crazy cz i sat in front. Plus cynthia kept staring at me and laughed after that. Ys played 'The river flows in you' bt it kinda suck... It's too fast. Thr's one really nice song bt the person that played it didn't play it well. I heard it on a korean drama b4 bt i forgot which show is it. Damn it
Jie Mei's dad got give speech. First time leh....
Went upstage to take the '恩物'. it's jz an empty box. == HM called me to stand behind her and w8, I look like an idiot standing thr. Then took picture wiv those VIPs. Didn't smell any perfume. Weird, I tot those ppl are supposed to use perfumes... Stood bside the jiaxiang guy & yy said i vry 'close' to him. wuliao~
Sat down and I kept playing wiv the big box(hello kitty wrapping paper,lol) and it kept hitting those two 欠扁 std 1 kids, those from shuren's class. Thy kept juling me and i more syok. HAHAHA~

扇子舞vry nice. And the lil girl in front vry cute =)

Jai-ho dancers' makeup vry weird, bt nt ugly
Rachel looks nice wiv makeup and without glasses. 美女~

Murni din record the performances, instead she took pictures and the pictures suck. Obviously nt a good 'photographer'.

Chged into 叫姐姐's outfits. Wore gkmy's black long tights. Wc wore evelyn's bt not tights lai de... so she wore mine, bt kinda short. At least better than evelyn's.

I feel vry girly and Jn wearing the skirt and tights..... T_T

Rachel's 表姐 helped me wiv the makeup. She say 单眼皮/内双 eyes are vry difficult to makeup.My mom also said that. T_T my eyes suck. I look really weird+disgusting after makeup bt rachel and kaien kept saying really nice and said 大美女. LOL. They said take off glasses bt i dun wan.
Gkmy wore the black lipstick, she looks like an evil witch, disgusting, bt it kinda suits her. She looks kinda pretty.
Stood outside the hall and wc+zini were standing at the staircase(the one that leads to backstage, they recorder ensemble ma). Thy said i vry Jn and geli. Ya lorh.
** was thr and gracetan kept talking to him and she kept asking us whether she looks ugly. Haha. Then thanks to rachel&kaien's hint, I found out that she likes him....

ST recorded almost all of the performances. Cool~
PS the emcees suck

Lots of ppl clapped when they heard fire burning. Jesslyn vry cute.XD
Then HM said we vry guai. lol

Left the hall and everyone clapped once we got back to 5a8, (which is the place whr all the dancers are thr, bt nt 校队舞蹈组)coz they said 给自己鼓励的掌声 or smtg lyk dt.Took a pic of jesslyn. REALLY CUTE. XD

Took lots of photos in class bt i look like shit in evry single one of them. The class photo also vry geli. My eyes were CLOSED.
Wanna take pic of white carrot for wc's bro, bt din.
Gracetan wanna take pic of **. Failed during the first time. Then i ran out of class and asked him to look at the camera n he did so...SUCCESS!! U better thank me arh GT

My bro gave me adrian's 纪念册 so i flipped thru the pages. After a while, kaisong stood in front of me and said wah很勤劳咯,读书! And I said it's 纪念册 so he said cheh....
Loo fetched Q today. walao eh....

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