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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The 'no teacher' day

Teacher DID come today but she wasn't in class. XD. 周老师also din come today. =) Pn June gt come bt we went 'dancing'(nt really...) so skipped music. =)
Bt we weren't completely free cz we have to make that stupid fake plane. HE walked by and Gkmy plus ruby was lyk 'OMG shinyun, he's there! There, he is, shinyun, he jz passed our class' LOL
There was smtg wrong wiv Gkmy's radio battery so we 用学校的电 and a 打小报告鬼(nt jy) told PK2. F*ck that person, whoever that is...
So we need to use HP, cnt hear clearly, too soft. Haiz....
Btw, W705 is nice, it looks so different from those pictures on the internet. Be happy, Wc =)
Din really practice so talked wiv wc. After hearing what she told me, I think she's a bitch(she said it herself ma), bt I dun mean it in a bad way. Her leg was really itchy so she took off her socks and I said stinky socks. She said it really IS stinky so I smelled it. IT IS REALLY REALLY REALLY STINKY~ Haha
Then we went back after music even though jiawen doesn't want us to. Hehe.XD Jn kept reading dt book, only let me read for a while nia. ST kept 'tying up' my bottle wiv a rubber band, and said 'hah!看你怎样喝水!' swt.....
Lil kids came to our class and they said thy wanna find a pink tupperware. St tot they were talking abt mine. HELLO?! It's MINE! (ps one girl from 1a9 tot i stole her bottle cz we hav the same bottle, siao de) The boys found one pink bottle at the back bt the lil girl said it's nt her's. She said her bottle's shape is square. Got square bottle de meh????
I looked out the window and tried to find my sis(we were in 4a1 so can see the 中学走廊thingy.) Didn't see her, only saw yong fei. She pulled out smtg lyk a doll/puppet. So cute!
Went home and found out my sis din go to school. Aiyo, doesn't she know me and st spent almost an hr looking for her?!!! Haiz... Plus, i found out the doll thingy isn't a doll, it's her PENCIL BOX...

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