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Friday, October 30, 2009

GOin to zini’s house l8r

Goin to Zini’s house l8r coz got BBQ. XD

Zini and st’s wedding today. Bt zini kept saying wanna ‘低调一点’. We sang the : soi s.o.i soi s.o.i ~

Graduation ceremony tomoro. Sittin wiv fumyew and pohean. PS the teacher decides where we’re sittin and we cnt do anything abt it.

YS played The River Flows In You. Not nice de…

After recess, those who are gonna 领奖 need to go 彩排 so the class left a few ppl oni. Gkmy said we’re the losers who dun hv any prizes. Haha~

I went to toilet and the A6 ppl were shouting: 得华 欣韵. When I was in the toilet, marcia said : 放心啦欣韵,我会‘保护’你的,然后推你进A6. == then evelyn kept sayin 欣韵你惨了. == Nt dt scary la…

We sang 情非得已’s chorus, which is 只怕我自己会爱上你 over and over again. Also sang Viva La vida wiv gkmy. WE took the broom and sang, gkmy said it’s the mv. Haha~ Also sang ‘the rise of cowboys…deng deng’ LOL

Played truth or dare.  Dared gracetan to sing '只怕我自己会爱上你 for Pn June. Of coz she did it la.

Pn June said dt we are bold, then gkmy said ‘and beautiful’. LOL She said we’re bold & like to kacau boys,she called us nt to do dt coz it will ‘cheapen us’.

Then they dared me to sing a love song to xm. All I did was: xianming, i love you’. Pn june was like : WHY did u do that? I kept saying dt it’s a dare.

Dared murni to do smtg dt has to do wiv looi. When she was standing behind looi, Pn June said to looi: u better run for ur lives. LOL

Thy dared shuhui to hold a piece of paper that has a heart-shaped and LOVE written on it and stand outside A6. Bt din do it coz HM was in there.

Dared Hoh to do the M 字腿 and she did it. So ‘sexy’, as expected from a pro JN.

Mingwaiy wanted to see who is KL. i called him and lied that a teacher wants to see him so dt he will look at the door and mingwaiy will noe who is kl. He tot it was real and followed mingwaiy so I had to ran out and tell him it’s fake……

Jy wrote smtg abt ks and GT on the board and we shouted ‘无聊’ Then she wrote LAME or smtg and then wrote You guys are lame. WC and hoh kept wanting to ‘suan’ her bt then stop d. She was gone for a while,i bet she went to tell teacher that we ‘bullied’ her.

After skul, saw mingwaiy and she said she saw a std 1 girl and boy holding hands. Hehe~

Then she asked me whether I still like szeshao, I said no. She said dun need to paiseh, I said no again.

Din saw shuren and his frens. Went to 后门n saw murni. 王老师(geography teacher) was opposite us. She looked at us, so i waved a lil and smiled. Then she walked towards us and asked us some Qs.

Went bac after dt. Loo went to see her new house- AGAIN. and she fetched two of her daughter’s frens. So thr were 5 ppl sitting at the backseat. Vry uncomfortable lo….

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