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Sunday, August 30, 2009

My brother's bday

Yesterday was my brother's bday. I didn't say Happy Birthday to him and he nvr says that to me too. =)
My sis went to Gurney for a 'family outing' which is actually jz a trip wiv her friends. she came back after my tuition which is lyk 6.30.
We went 2 Queensbay at nyt. We ate at Swensen and the table cloth thy used to wipe the table stinks. Everyone's food was served except my sis and it turns out the waiter 4gt her order.
Bt b4 dt, my sis asked me: Win, 他是不是不爽我? Lol. N I asked her why would the waiter dislike her, she said maybe she's too pretty... Wtf.
Then we went to Jusco, my bro cnt find wad he wants as his bday present....
And the rest is really boring, gonna skip all that n jz say that we ate fruit cake. Done.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I jz signed up fro Facebook and I'm already obsessed wiv their quizzes.
Don't really like Farmville or the othr games.
Need to help Shin manage her Farm.....
Well, that's it, I've spent the whole day Facebook-ing. Now I'm off to bed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sleepover is over

Came back from Wc's house a few hrs ago. On the way back home, I almost freeze to death coz it was raining heavily and the aircond in the car is super cold, plus I din wear my jacket....
Last nite, I was the laz one 2 arrive cz my parents wanted to watch some tv show. Actually, I wasn't really really late coz Zini was standing by the door waiting for Wc 2 open the door when I arrived.
Yy couldn't stay ovrnite & said she had 2 leave at 10.30, evn thgh she left at abt 11. Wc's dad took us to a mamak store and I 'share' my roti canai wiv yy. I said 'share' coz I was like the only eating it, yy only ate a little & she said she's full. She also told me she cnt finish her milo. Thr were two policemen near us n yy was rili scared. I wonder what crime did she commit.....
Went to wc's room, her sis was also thr. Read her magazine which has Taylor in it. Did smtg I couldn't tell u. PLayed wiv the toys and took some photos.
After that, yy go back and we hvn't even watched a single movie. Thy wanted to watch a horror film bt I said no. So we talked and talked and talked...
Changed into our pjs and talked and talked.... then we brushed our teeth.
Then we talked and talked and talked and talked.....
Okay, let's jz say we talked till the middle of the nite. When we turned off the lights, we on the 'night light' which is actually a toy turtle and its shell can light up and we can see constellations. Cool....
B4 we sleep, it was damn scary coz I was sleeping below them. And I didn't bring 'puppy', it's nt a puppy.
Woke up at 8.56. My dad sms me and my mom called me.
Ordered McDonald bt they said we hv to wait 4 an hour and a half. Damn it. Curse them. So we bathed first and wc's uncle drove us to McDonalds. The service thr sucks. They were damn slow even thgh thr aren't many customers thr. And they insulted her uncle and said org kecil. Wtf. I h8 them.
Watched He's not that into you. N i went home b4 I could finish watching the movie. Zini n Wc watched Histeria after I went back. DId i mention that it's a horror flick?
Zini said it's really geli. Wc and Zini told me the characters in the movie are like yiyun, yy and me. Swt.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A few hrs till the sleepover

Didn't go to school today so I slept a lot.
I watched's Digi Music Top 20. And guess what? You Belong With Me was no.11!!!! I get to watch her music video for the first time on TV. I usually jz watch it on youtube.
Then, I did my homework and watched some Singapore show. The girl looks pretty.
Rained a lot. Happy day for me. =)
Btw, i don't think anyone notice dt the first song on my playlist is a duet of Boys Like Girls & Taylor Swift..... IT'S REALLY NICE.

PS. few hrs till the sleepover. My dad says I should go at 9pm. NO!!!

Did this out of boredom

Look at the teddy! Isn't it cute?

I finally know what this is! It's a macaron! =)


They aren't really pretty though...

Sleepover TONIGHT!

Not going to school today, I hv my own reasons. But I'm still going to wc's house l8r.
Looking at pictures of pretty homes now. Idk why bt U got really interested in interior desgining.
My sis keeps checking her phone for any missed calls or texts. And she keeps using mine to txt **. This sucks, ever since that day, she keeps txting ** with MYphone.
She keeps giggling when someone says MrsYeoh. Lol.
Bye, abt to go flip through the std5 BM txtbook. Btw, it's nt mine, it's my neighbour's.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What does it mean?

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

What the hell does this mean?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So this is how it goes
Well I, I would have never known
And if it ends today
Well, I'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone
Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time.
No, not this time.
Well this is not your fault
But if I'm without you
Then I will feel so small
And if you have to go
Always know that you shine brighter than anyone does.
Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time.
No, not this time.
If you run away now,
Will you come back around?
And if you ran away,I'd still wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright.
Now I think we're taking this too far
Don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard
But if you take what's yours and I take mine
Must we go there?
Please not this time.
No, not this time.
I'll wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright
I'll wave goodbye tonight.

By Paramore
Wc went home early. I told her I will miss her but she doesn't believe me. :( Lol.
Zini said she can go to WC's house! She said she doesn't know why her mom suddenly allowed her. Lucky girl.
Yy still not sure.Haiz....
Hoh also not sure.....
St also not sure....
We discussed what movie should we watch and didn't really come out with anything. Yy said she wanna watch TWILIGHT, Hoh said we should watch a GHOST movie. Are you CRAZY? It's the seventh month of the chinese calendar. I wanna watch a comedy instead of a horror film. Bt i think it would be fun to watch a horror film after UPSR, you know, when the seventh month is over.
Many ppl went to the toilet today. And it was really noisy. The 6a6 boys were outside the music room and one of them went into the girls' toilet. Ntg to be freaked out abt coz I've seen someone did it b4 when I was 9.
The 周老师(nt the sc one) looked up from the office and kinda stared. We went back to our class quickly coz I heard Zini said smtg like: Zhao 在后面.
Me and Zini kept seeing ** today and she seems quiet today. ?
Saw Samuel playing with Meng smtg today. Told Grace and she said a lot stuff, 4gt wad she said....

Monday, August 24, 2009

YS actually FOLLOWED him

Cikgu Koay got a new hairstyle today. The moment she stepped in our class, evryone started clapping and 'whoo'ing and XM said she looks like Michael Jackson. Lol.
JingYan was sick. He was REALLY sick during the laz lesson & teacher said only got 20 mins left so jy said he doesn't wanna go home. Bt Ys told teacher his mom/dad/home's(I'm nt sure which) phone number!
I asked her how she knows it and she said loudly: 我本来就知道了的! Bt when I ask GT, she said Ys asked Adrian. Haha.
JY went to the toilet and Ys asked Zhiyung to follow him coz she's afraid dt jy might faint!?Come on, he is a BOY nt a girl! Hoh said ys vry 体贴. Lol. After a while, she said :这样迟了,他做么没有回来gok. She said she wanted to go see whether he is ok,bt I told her she cnt go into the boys toilet and she said she could stand outiside the door. Makes sense, bt that's kinda like only what a stalker will do.
Rj&Ys went to the toilet and they saw Jy on the way back to class. Ys was super relieved. Haha.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My cousin came

Zini didn't come to school today. =(
My super annoying cousin came to my house today. At first, I thought she was gonna leave early coz of her tuition bt it turns out that her tuition was CANCELLED.
There wasn't any internet connection today until 6.00pm. That sucks. A lot.
My cousin kept annoying me and she watched the malay channel called CERIA. She said she's nt gonna watch any show unless it's from CERIA. Wtf.
Then she asked me: A win 姐姐,有没有水喝,我很口渴. I said 白开水 bt she asked me whether thr's anything else othr than water. I said no and she went searchng for chocolate milk and juice in the freezer. Oh come on, who puts drinks in the FREEZER?
After that, she said she was hungry and wanted me to make milo for her. Walao eh....
She asked me whether I can play the piano or not, I said no and she tot I was lying and she kept complaining and whining. Gosh. I was trying the write smtg and she kept saying 什么来的,快点给我看. Thr's a lot more bt I don't feel like writing down all of it.
I didn't go to tuition today. =)
WC told me we can go to her house for a sleepover! Yay! It's actually a double sleepover, bt I'm okay wiv it.
I feel like finishing my english project today, isn't that weird?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I created a NEW twitter account since I cnt sign in to my old one. Yay! I can finally tweet again!!!!!! =))))))

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I feel so stupid

I feel so stupid for handling things in an emotional way. I hope the 'game' tomrrow will work.

Happy Birthday Demi

HappyBdayDemi Did this out of boredom.

You don’t understand

I was writing about how I feel, is there smtg wrong with that? Since you think I was insulting and criticizing her in front of everyone, then I’ll delete it.

Just because I laugh and smile all the time, doesn’t mean I don’t cry at all. I feel like crying and screaming coz no one knows how I feel, I thought you knew, but I was wrong all the time.

‘你难道不知道就算是一个多么坚强的人也又软弱,需要被人保护的时候吗?’I think that is totally true. You just don’t understand anything……

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

He read the note

Yiyun gave zini a note through the window. Me and Zini were reading it when we were walking up the stairs and we stopped jz behind a6 coz I asked (nicely) yy nt to see it. We didn't notice that pch was jz behind us and he snatched the paper away! And he went into his class n told his frens that it’s a love letter. Wtf. He read it, of course, while we were trying to get it back. After he finished reading it, he said : ceh,这样罢了 and returned the paper. He’s annoying. I’ve known that since std 1……

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I’m not a good person. I’m a bitch. Yes, I am. I betray my friends, I let them down, I lie, I talk abt them behind their backs, I don’t always keep my promise……

I guess all the descriptions of a bitch fits me perfectly, except  one – I don’t sleep with guys.

And I owe lots of ppl an apology. All I wanted to say is I’M SORRY.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I gt a bruise on my knee

Jz found out I gt a bruise on my knee. Dk how I gt it.
Twitter's still nt working for me.
I'm so used to tweeting short msgs that my blog posts are getting shorter. For example. the thing abt my bruise.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I wonder what's the surprise

I haven't even touched my homework and I spent almost the whole day in front of the computer.
My sister just texted me and told me she has a surprise for me, I wonder what is it.....
I have no clue what the hell is she planning, she's just full of surprises. And if you ask me why, I don't think I can answer that, try being her sister for 12 years and you'll know why.

I think I've been hacked

I think my twitter account has been hacked! I can't sign in with my username so I tried signing in using my email address bt that twitter profile page isn't mine! Ahhh!!!What am I supposed to do?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Send it on lyrics

A word's, just a word, 'til you mean what you say
And love, isn't love 'til you give it away
We've all gotta give
Give somethin' ta give, to make a change

Send It on, On and On
Just one that can heal another,
Be apart, reach a heart,
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
the chain reaction will never stop!
Make it strong,
Shine a light and send it on!

Just Smile, (Just Smile)
And the world (and the world) will smile
along with you,
That small act of love,
stands for one become two!

If We take the chances
To change circumstances
Imagine all we can do
If we,

Send It on, On and On,
Just one that can heal another,
Be apart, reach a heart,
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
the chain reaction will never stop!
Make it strong,
Shine a light and send it on!
Send It On!
(Oh send it on)

And There's Power in all of the choices we make,
So I'm starting now there's not a moment to waste!

A word's, just a word,
til you mean what you say
And love, isn't love 'til you give it away

Send It on, On and On,
Just one that can heal another,
Be apart, reach a heart,
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
the chain reaction will never stop!
Make it strong,
Shine a light and send it on

Just one that can heal another
Be apart, Reach a heart
Just one spark starts a fire!
With one little action
The chain reaction will never stop
Make it strong
Shine a light and send it on
Shine a light and send it on
Shine a light and Send it on

I changed it back

I changed my template back to the original one coz I got tired of the previous one.
I'm currently listening to Paramore's new song- Ignorance coz a lot of ppl said it's nice. I don't really like it, I jz like the front part. Plus, I'm gonna stop watching Gossip Girl until UPSR is over. Coz if I don't stop now, I'll be seriously obsessed. I think the intro of Gossip Girl is really cool, the intro is: Who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell.You know you love me. XOXO Gossip Girl.
Cool, isn't it? Well, maybe not, bt I think it is.


I gt an A for BM penulisan! I don't care if it's jz 80, if it's A then I'm happy!
AND, ST is BACK!!! Yy hugged her. Zini looked like she didn't really care when she saw ST. Cool? I guess....
JW kept asking my questions abt Japanese, she said she learnt a lot through watching Shugo Chara! Lol. Nxt time if ur mom scolds u for watching too much tv, jz say tat u're trying to learn a foreign language. Hope it works.
When we were at the library, my tummy was hurting like hell. So I went out of the computer room and sat down wiv my 'wifey'AKA YY and ST. The way/posture me and yy sat makes us look like a couple who went to the see the marriage counsellor. Haha. Great imagination st.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An ‘adventurous’ trip to the ‘toilet’

Today,a bunch of girls went to the ‘toilet’ or should I say walk?

We saw some 6a6 boys by the stairs and then the fire extinguisher went wrong and some yellow powder/smoke/ wadever u call it jz came spraying out. We jz stood there and watched bt then we laughed coz it was funny. GKMY wanted to tell the teacher even though we sort of told her nt to. Me and WC jz ‘tagged along’ like wc said b4. I went wiv them coz I jz wanted to see PK2’s expression when she sees us, too bad she wasn’t there. Her expression usually changes when she sees us, especially me, zini, wc, you know? Coz of the thing a few months ago.

HOME-I asked my mom what would happen if the fire extinguisher powder smoky thing went into my mouth and she started freaking out and asking a bunch of questions. She totally over-reacted.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I kinda yelled at my mom

I kinda yelled at my mom jz now coz she wanted me to drink some kind of extremely bitter medicine which is good for my body. She wasn't exactly mad,jz a little dissapointed or smtg. I feel weird for yelling at her coz I haven't done that for years. I used to do that a lot coz I have a bad temper bt I guess it's nt as bad as it used to be anymore.
Anyways, I'm watching Gossip Girl right now. Jz watched a scene abt how true friends will always be by your side. That's really touching, especially when the actresses were crying in the scene. Bt I don't think this kind of 'true friend' exists in this world, maybe they do exist, Idk, it's jz that I haven't found one like that yet....

Monday, August 10, 2009

ST and teacher was absent today

ST didn’t come today, she’s sick.Many ppl in our class didn’t come today too, including her. I’m happy that she didn’t come. PS when I said ‘she’, i didn’t mean ST, i meant the other girl.

Teacher didn’t come again. Wow, she really is mad. The 美女老师came to 代课. Yay! She said she was YS' father’s student, bt she said she wasn’t a good student. Hoh keep telling teacher she’s really pretty n keep asking teacher how old is she, she doesn’t wanna reaveal her age, as if it’s a HUGE secret.

JW kept playing wiv her yellow ribbon and said : 我是黄色的代言人. I’m nt even sure what that meant…… We asked teacher whether 唐禹哲is 帅 n she said yes, Wc was really happy. Then we asked teacher whether 仔仔is 帅and she said yes. We also asked her whether Jay Chou is 帅,she said yes, Zini was happy. When we asked her which member of 飞轮海is the best, she said 吴尊and everyone was mad. Haha. I hate 飞轮海.

Kept walkng arnd and changing places today. I sat at Jingyan’s place for a while. I kept telling him he’s a good person so dt he will let me sit at his place and YL kept saying NO and he made a weird face.

NO 周会today! After school, there were a bunch of ppl in front of the office which is where the public phone is situated. Wc and Zini said they’ll come back and find me after they bought their food bt they didn’t. =( only yy did. I also saw jowyn and grace. Jowyn wanted to see **. Haha. On my way to the canteen, I saw mingwaiy and weiwei. Then I saw Ruby, RJ and Eunice, I said OMG this is like a reunion! I don’t even know why I said that. Anyways, I’ve got smtg I wanna tell ST :


Sunday, August 9, 2009

This is cute


I found this at Canon’s website. My dad wanted to buy a Canon IXUS 100 IS instead of Sony T90 coz he said it’s features are better. I agree that the features are better, bt T90 looks nicer…. =(  I saw this customer care banner from Canon’s website and it made me feel better. =)  This may sound really weird though.

Just a quote plus pics

‘Don’t waste your whole life trying to get back what was taken away.’ – Lyrics from Kristy are you doing okay by the OffSprings.

Pictures from

Saturday, August 8, 2009

She’s mad. Yay?

Teacher didn’t come today coz she’s too mad and she doens’t wanna teach us. Wtf?

I went to school a little early than usual bt it’s still not super early. I didn’t know that today have 数学研究班 so I didn’t go. =)  Zini came really early today and she skipped breakfast coz I asked her to come early so we can tell teacher abt that. Too bad teacher was absent today. I told Zini I vry 内疚coz she skipped breakfast coz I told her to come early and I said I’ll buy her smtg to eat bt she said no. Then I said I will feel 内疚 and she said 给你去内疚lo. What the…

Ruby pulled my hair and wanted me to tell weiwei that his hp number is his dad’s coz he doesn’t want the girl to know his number. He kept poking my back. Grrr… He even sat on a stack of chairs, it’s his ‘throne’ . Lol.

Teacher didn’t come so we kept changing places.

Changing places= fun

I ‘married’ WC and Zini ‘married’ ST. During the ‘ceremony’, me and Wc said ‘i do’ and it was funny. We planned to have our ‘honey moon’ at Tokyo and NY and maybe we’ll tour America. Haha. Bt then we ‘divorced’ coz I hugged Zini. Lol.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Teacher's Mad

Teacher was really mad today. So our plan didn't work.
Grace saw Samuel and she kept saying that he's gorgeous and she said that bryan oh is fat, bt he's not fat at all. Lol.
Then we went to toilet. I kept laughing for no reason, gkmy started laughing too. We were standing at the door/entrance of the toilet when samuel and his friend suddenly walked by. Gkmy started to laugh more and more.
On our way back to class, gkmy wanted to wait for Samuel near the staircase but I saw someone that looks like Samuel on the othr side and I told gkmy. She said it's Samuel and she was MAD. Hahahahahahahahaha.

Check it out =)


Cupcakes with lolipops on top of them

Blueberries on top of them

I don't know what are these but they look like ice cream or cream or whatever dessert that exists out there.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I cnt do anything if they don’t believe us

The teachers don’t believe us and misunderstood almost everything. Now they hate us…yeah, they do. Well, it’s not like I can do anything about it.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First day...

It's the first day of exam. (de javu? - you know, coz this isn't the first time I wrote that)
The first day is the scariest of all coz it's BM. I don't really know how to answer the questions.... Haiz...
Then, I need to demerit one mark coz of the 科学历年thing. After that, I didn't put my back outside of the class and it was behind me the whole time! I only realized it after the exam! HAHHAHAHA. Hoh said I'm so 'pro'. Lol. It really is a miracle that teacher didn't realize.
邱老师told us that his husband and daughter saw 陈豪at Gurney last nite. Well, I'm not really 'jealous' or anything coz I'm not a fan of him. Teacher also said that she saw 王力宏before! And he stood right nxt to her! Wow~
周老师told us that the std 3 students wrote a love letter and my friends keep saying it's my bro cz he's std 3. So teacher asked me whether it's him or not. There's NO WAY it's him. After school, I asked him and he said it's not a love letter, his classmates jz wrote smtg like: who love who, who have s*x with who. Oh yeah, they are sooooo 'mature'. Idiots....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I don't have a title for this post.

I thought I would arrive early at school today, but guess I was wrong.
The teacher changed our places today coz 5 ppl went for the chinese essay competition. Everyone around moved to other places. And all of my friends were together! I have a feeling that teacher wanted them to move away from me so I couldn't talk. Then, jingyan came(he was late) but hoh was at his place so he sat at the last seat at my row. Wondering why he wants to sit there? Coz the row I was sitting was totally EMPTY and the others were full. He moved his seat closer to the window and looked out the window, he looks so emo. Lol. Xm and Wj went to join him and teacher asked everyone to go back to their original places. The teacher also called me to write down their names if anyone changed their places. I hate it when the teacher calls me to write down ppl's names, coz if I do it, my classmates will h8 me, and if i don't , I'll get punished.
During BM lesson, a lot ppl said they cnt find their Nexus. Good thing I didn't put mine in the cupboard(school). Cikgu Koay went to the other classes and called their teachers to help check and find their books. When she went to a5, she said the two girls lost their books and are really sad, Timothy(is that how u spell it?) said that those are books only, don't need to be sad. HAHA. I agree. Halfway through the lesson, the headmistress called the monitors to go downstairs and get their 'milo'. Jacky told me that those are leftovers, so the HM gave us. Kinda makes sense.
When school ended, weiwei said that ** told her we 'bully' her. Gosh. Yiyun told me that she saw **'s mom in the office, she suspects that her mom's gonna tell the teacher abt us 'bullying' her. I don't really care coz we didn't do anything.
My sis got her haircut, she keeps complaining that it's too short but it's not. It's nice. She whines a lot. No offense.
It's raining and I'M SUPER HAPPY.
PS i think I'm gonna change my template coz I kinda got tired of it.