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Saturday, August 1, 2009

I don't have a title for this post.

I thought I would arrive early at school today, but guess I was wrong.
The teacher changed our places today coz 5 ppl went for the chinese essay competition. Everyone around moved to other places. And all of my friends were together! I have a feeling that teacher wanted them to move away from me so I couldn't talk. Then, jingyan came(he was late) but hoh was at his place so he sat at the last seat at my row. Wondering why he wants to sit there? Coz the row I was sitting was totally EMPTY and the others were full. He moved his seat closer to the window and looked out the window, he looks so emo. Lol. Xm and Wj went to join him and teacher asked everyone to go back to their original places. The teacher also called me to write down their names if anyone changed their places. I hate it when the teacher calls me to write down ppl's names, coz if I do it, my classmates will h8 me, and if i don't , I'll get punished.
During BM lesson, a lot ppl said they cnt find their Nexus. Good thing I didn't put mine in the cupboard(school). Cikgu Koay went to the other classes and called their teachers to help check and find their books. When she went to a5, she said the two girls lost their books and are really sad, Timothy(is that how u spell it?) said that those are books only, don't need to be sad. HAHA. I agree. Halfway through the lesson, the headmistress called the monitors to go downstairs and get their 'milo'. Jacky told me that those are leftovers, so the HM gave us. Kinda makes sense.
When school ended, weiwei said that ** told her we 'bully' her. Gosh. Yiyun told me that she saw **'s mom in the office, she suspects that her mom's gonna tell the teacher abt us 'bullying' her. I don't really care coz we didn't do anything.
My sis got her haircut, she keeps complaining that it's too short but it's not. It's nice. She whines a lot. No offense.
It's raining and I'M SUPER HAPPY.
PS i think I'm gonna change my template coz I kinda got tired of it.

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