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Friday, January 15, 2010

(: …?

I cant think of a title for this post…

I got called to the bilik mesyuarat today. Tot i was gonna be punished, bt the teachers just want us to join the persatuan sains dan teknologi. She said all of us have great achievements in sc. Heh? i didnt even enter any bloody competition. ==

So when she asked whether anybody is interested in joining, everyone raised their hand except me! so the teacher asked me y. I said teacher must have made a mistake coz i dont have any ‘great achievement’. bt she said i entered that ke yi chuang zuo bi sai n got jia zhuo jiang. WTF. THAT WAS LONG AGO. so i said it’s whn i was std 2, i said wrongly, it’s std 4. SHit. And the teacher said i got 潜能 coz i won during std 2. I said wrongly, k? the teacher asked me to go home n think about it. Plus, the winners get to go to the nobel prize dinner thingy in sweden. cool, huh?

During BM, I asked zhi nee whether her name really is zhi nee n she said yes, so i was like zini ar! 他真的叫zhi nee! zini was lyk rili stim n she just said huh? O.o

4gt to bring book during bm so nid to stand. ann yin, ke xin and another girl oso 4gt to bring. ann yin stood with me. n we kept kicking the chalk. LOL. the chalk went out twice n i picked it up. xD gao leh? LOL. no lah, actually the teacher is stupid. :D

So that’s all, i guess?

PS going to bola jaring practice N pandu puteri tomorrow morning. Damn, my saturday morning is RUINED. T.T

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