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Friday, January 8, 2010



My sis din bring her water bottle to skul so i hv to giv it to her in skul( she’s going to tuition l8r till 5.00smtg so i hv to give it to her. damn). Went to her class, din see anyone. shit. Hoh went to see her sis so followed her lo. Saw her sis in toilet, her sis said mayb my sis is in the sc lab, or kantin or…(some othr places i 4gt) Went to the sc lab. Asked some form 2 girls whr the sc lab is. found the lab. saw my sis’ bag, put the damn bottle in her bag. marcia was reallyy glad that we made it in time. ==”

Went to the hall again today. Taklimat, then singing. The girl is so sampat and she’s PRETTYYYY.

Then she asked us to join choir N St John. Thr’s soo many sampat ppl in St John. I wanna join but thr’s tons of stuff to do in st john. KRS – jus go thr to sit and kap. (:

Plus, we found out which ‘team’ we’re in. Red for me. I dont wan red!! i wan GREEEEEEEN!!! T.T Red sucks, green rocks. xD

went home. Came out from class, met up with zini, then sue ern suddenly shouted : win win. (woahh…)and asked me whether we’re sitting the bus. Wtf. I answered her and she walked away. zini and yy kept laughing coz she called me win win.

Umm…i guess that’s it..?

PS. thr are tons of pretty girls in F4 F5. (:

I’m not lesbo, kay?

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