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Thursday, November 19, 2009

f*cking regret

got 6As oni. Of coz sad la, but happy coz different class wiv **. XD

DIn cry at skul, but saw lots of ppl cryin, and dt makes me wanna cry. T_T

My mom vry angry lo but she doesnt wanna admit it. GOsh~ is it rili dt hard?!!

XX vry happy dt hoh gt 7as and when she saw knew ** gt 7as she lyk vry beh syok. Wadever, we h8 her anyway. =P

My mom kept repeating i gt 6as and whn my dad called and said ‘6as’ i cried. =( Nt wad i wanted. My stud bro kept saying i failed. Stud lo. I PASSED THE TEST, k? idiot

My mom din comfort me,jz kept saying vry dissapointed and shocked. Wtf. She said b4 dt 5,6as oso ok de, still go PCGHS, dun need to be scared or pressured,but now leh? Haiz~ nvr knew she’s so fake. :/

Anyways, f*ckin regret dt i played so much comp. Oh well, it’s over d, wad else can i do?


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