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Monday, November 30, 2009

Ms Beh aunty’s house + Queensbay

Went to MsBeh aunty’s house today. Went b4 when I was abt std 2, played wiv her kids, so fun :) lolx

Her house damn nice de. Her house gt that platform thingy and the design gt lil bit like those wooden houses in America, aiya duno how to say la, still gt a mini bar gor. Her toilet oso damn nice de, gt those hello kitty plush toys, hehe. DIn go to her toilet today but I went b4 laz time so I noe lorh. Haha

After that, MsBeh aunty told us that FOS gt a lot of those stuff so we went to Queensbay. DIn even chnge our clothes, lol. I jz wore a plain shirt and skirt nia so felt vry weird when we went to Queensbay. Hehe.


Then my sis suddenly shouted ‘SHU YEE!!’ and shuyee shouted ‘Venetia!’ and they stretched their arms as if they’re gonna HUG each othr. LOL. My mom tot my cousin was here coz my cousin’s name is oso Shuyee, haha~ She was walkin wiv a fren and they weren’t wearin shoes so my sis asked them y and she said they’re gona skate l8r and they are lazy to wear shoes. ==

Then walk walk walk, my sis shouted AGAIN. She shouted ‘HIAO PO~~~’ and Shuyee turned around and waved. Haha,they look so excited. :D

We cnt find FOS bt we found Winter Time. Cnt buy anythin from WInter TIme coz everything was in boxes coz they’re moving . T_T

FInd till wanna siao d, and we FINALLY found it!!! YAY~~ lol

Went to J.CO donuts n bought:


DSC05310 looks kinda like Big Apple Donuts. hehe

DSC05311 Frozen Yogurt. NICE~

Othr pics:

DSC05303 The view from MsBeh aunty’s condo. PS dt beach is only for the ppl who live thr. Cool, huh?




DSC05307 See dt black thingy? Funny rite? Looks lyk those ‘masks’ dt robbers usually wear. LOL

PS nt gonna use Internet Explorer anymore coz it got ‘infected by virus’. Siao de. So Im a Google Chrome user now. :D

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