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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


UPSR results out tomoro. GOOD LUCK TO EVERY SINGLE 12-YEAR-OLD OUT THERE(i mean only those in Malaysia ==)

Anyways, my biyekan got ‘conteng’ by a6 boys. Erased every single thing bt I din rub off the ‘angel’, it’s so cute~

Brought hp to skul today. Someone tried to ‘ruin my life’ again today but failed ;) Went to hoh’s house today and I finally noe how to ride a bike!!! Wc still dunno how =P

Pics below:


DSC05076 Zini’s camera, really nice~


DSC05078 hoh reading a romance novel. Hehe~

DSC05079The soi boys from our class

DSC05080 Zini’s camera holder(dunno wad u call it la). I think it’s cute :D THe book under the camera holder is my biyekan

DSC05081 Guess who =P


DSC05083 Zini’s nike bottle.

DSC05085 our geography project. It sucks but the teacher hung it up anyway. Lols

DSC05086 the s*ckish aircond (no offense but it really sucks……)

DSC05087 the 'view’ from the glass door.

DSC05088 st and wc

DSC05090 trapped outside of the class. Got ‘locked-out’ d still can pose for me. Hehe

DSC05091 Gt 'Locked-out’ too.

DSC05092 kai en

DSC05093 guess who

DSC05095 two 自恋狂. =) F st’s camera flash, if u dunno wad im talking abt, look at wc’s face.


DSC05098 i dun rmb takin this picture but wadever…

DSC05101 Gracetan, kai en bhind her, she’s nt supposed to b there though. PS this is gracetan’s 自拍照. lolx

DSC05102 JN~~~

DSC05103 the dirty shirt bhind our class.

DSC05104 RJ


DSC05107 ** was ‘hiding’ bhind ah sir, sorry arh XX, din take his pic

DSC05108 the ‘angel’. So cute~

DSC05109 4gt to send Gracetan this pic. Sry.

Hoh’s house:

DSC05110 our stinky socks.(me, wc,st)

DSC05112 wc eating chicken rice. Looks so emo and like vry ‘不甘愿’

DSC05114 Hoh’s porridge. She cnt eat rice coz her teeth hurts. Kesiannya~

DSC05117 wc (or is it st? 4gt d) said it looked like 5 sens.

DSC05118 Hoh kept covering this bunny wiv her hand so i cnt take a pic of it. but i took this pic when she went away. nyeheehehe

DSC05119 the chicken so cute

DSC05120 nice leh? nt mine, hoh’s…

DSC05122 the pig wearing a ‘hat’

DSC05123 a bear wearing the same ‘hat’

DSC05124 “Im ready for my close-up” LOL

DSC05125 ‘marilyn monroe’

DSC05128 ST ‘booing’ again like laz week.

DSC05130 teddy bear slippers!! Took this pic whn me n wc were doin smtg bad. heheheeheh

DSC05138 cute pig~

DSC05140 pig wiv glassesDSC05141 another pig wiv glasses

DSC05142 haha see dt bear wiv a crown?

DSC05143DSC05144 pigs kissing. XD

DSC05147murni lookin so gong bhind. ;)

DSC05148DSC05152 lols



DSC05155 zini lookin lyk a duck

DSC05156acting cool. jay~

DSC05159 EUnice. Aww so cute!


DSC05161 nice phone. XD

DSC05166 DSC05164 DSC05165

DSC05169 my hands after learnin to ride a bike

DSC05170 can u see anyone?

DSC05171 See anyone ?

DSC05172 frisbee

DSC05173 frisbee

DSC05174 zini

DSC05175 st sitting on the lil chair

DSC05177 DSC05176

DSC05178 watermelon

DSC05179 her fridge is soo cool


DSC05182 Not so cute ==

DSC05183 bored zz

DSC05185 hoh. so dangerous, if she isnt careful, she might fall down… Btw, i oso sat there after a while. LOL

DSC05187 sitting on that window thingy.

DSC05188 Ex jn



Asked murni to listen to her music usin earphones coz we wanna talk abt some stuff dt she’s nt supposed to noe. SRY

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