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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween party

Went to gkmy’s halloween party laz nite.

I arrived l8 and they told le bin that I like her. wtf but whatever coz I am the SAMPAT PO. She’s soo pretty. They played Jaiho and jiao jie jie whn they were playing musical chairs. I din play coz I was listening to music wiv Zini.

Gkmy looks so ‘sexy’ in her costume .=P

When the others were searchng for the clues, I jz walked around. The first one is ‘a plant in a pot’, wtf, there are tons of plants in a pot! Smtg went wrong so they searched for the toys instead of the clues. i went inside to eat wiv gracetan while rachel searched for the toys, she found a lot n I was in her group so I din need to worry abt anything. I got the special glass and ruby wanted it too, then shuhui got it too. We kept sayin ‘cheers’ :D

DIn watch horror movie cz she cnt find the disc. == WE watched The three pigs and a baby instead…… The movie really is soi like zini said, but still funny.

ST was so scared when we  said we were gonna watch a horror movie.

Took those body part sweets and some chocs. I put them in ruby’s cowboy hat. Trick or treat~

Danced jiao jie jie and jiaho. Miss those dances so much. WIsh I can go bac to the time when we practiced those dances everyday

We went to the back part of gkmy’s house. There were tables and chairs and we sat there, it wasn’t dark bt the other side which doesn’t have any table or chair is really really dark.

Le bin kept taking pics of me so I put my phone in front of my face. Ruby said that a ghost will appear in our pics. Siao~

Then he kept saying that there are eyes bhind me……

I said gkmy is the devil who wears gucci and we made a short movie+short story. I told them about my horrible experience wiv gkmy’s dogs and they laughed at me. T.T

Gkmy’s glass house and house looks pretty when I’m looking at it from the bac.

Took pics wiv murni at the swing, le bin said she’s gonna post it on the internet. haiz……

Thn murni went bac d… =(

Watched the simpsons while gracetan and the others talked. Ruby said the simpsons is a stupid show. LOL

I went bac after that.

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