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Friday, November 20, 2009

Last day of school

Last day of school today. T_T sad~

took camera and hp to skul today, din 申请bt dun care so much d, it’s the LAST DAY.

IMG_1679 YS and Eunice. The bell hasn’t rung yet so everyone is walking around and talking.

IMG_1681 gonna tag them in FB later. ;)

IMG_1682 ppl~ dunno wad they’re doin, jz took this for fun. XD


 IMG_1687 wc and st. wc jz came nia. we waited for her by the stairs so dt we cud take her pic. hehe

IMG_1689 TYY standing in front of the whiteboard, that’s why it’s so ‘WHITE’~

IMG_1690 Li zhi yung, teoh jing cai and jacky tan.


IMG_1693 actually wanted to take a pic of the batik, bt he was there……

IMG_1694our 布告板. Nt nice de……

TAYLOR SWIFT=FEARLESS. By MEEEE. Hehe. I still rmb taking this table out of the classroom b4 UPSR coz teacher said we cnt use this kind of table. Lols


  Dun need to say oso will noe who did this la

IMG_1697 our ceiling, ya i noe i vry wuliao

IMG_1698 our aircond.

IMG_1701 A1 boys and one A2 boy. Look at YL’s face =P

IMG_1703gonna tag in FB

IMG_1704 妻妻. So sweet~

IMG_1705妻妻. Like this pic a lot :)

 IMG_1706gonna tag in FB


IMG_1710 rou jing, eunice, ys talking, they look so tensed instead of happy. Lol

IMG_1711 the girl from the newspaper who didn’t wanna go to her 母校AKA协和 and wanted to go to PCGPS instead coz it’s near her house. Wtf. no offense, jz sayin’ it.

IMG_1712 my look-alike. hehe

IMG_1713 fum yew, aka ah fan

IMG_1714 hoh, jacky, cheng jin and ST. the ppl who sat bhind me throughout the year, bt nt exactly coz it used to b hoh n jingyan, nt hoh n jacky. Oh well…

IMG_1715gonna tag in FB

took a pic of our teacher bt HM said we’re nt allowed to post teachers’ pic on the net so dun wan better, i dun wanna get in trouble when i go to PCGHS.

IMG_1717 my bag… got bored…so i took this pic

took a pic of XX bt dun wanna post it here.

IMG_1719 i think it’s carmen’s ‘tortoise’, many ppl signed it. XD

IMG_1720 gonna tag in FB

IMG_1721gonna tag in FBIMG_1722gonna tag in FB

IMG_1723 Aww~

IMG_1724 cute leh?

IMG_1725 the tortoise’s ‘stomach’. haha

IMG_1728 can u see ming waiy?

IMG_1729 Le bin


IMG_1731 pretty girl

IMG_1735 shu hui

 IMG_1737rou jing

IMG_1738 Bao yi(venny). SOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE

IMG_1739CUTEEEEEEE. shu ren and zhe yang bhind her. Hehe

IMG_1740The photographer. Hm asked all the 5,6,7As students to go to the field coz they wanna make a video. vry soi lo. Everyone said yay and woo(plus, some ppl made the piece sign) at first then HM said nid to do what she says. She wanted us to put up both of our hands and wave them, oso nid to jump. Wtf. dun wan er… We were at the last row and PK1 was bhind us, she called us to do all those stuff bt we din rili do it, too soi d

IMG_1741 took this after filming the stupid video. me and wanchi wanna gonna go bac to the library d and lebin said wanna take pics so take lo. After this pic, we saw Q bhind us so said bye and went bac.

IMG_1742 std 6 de, bt dunno wad class.

IMG_1743 our library.

IMG_1744 wc. emo lo…

IMG_1745 hoh and st, murni bhind them. Zini holding her sony camera.

IMG_1746 took this when I was outside the library.


IMG_1748 that ‘store room’ bside the stairs.

IMG_1749 that old toilet bside the ‘store room’

IMG_1750 gonna tag in FB

IMG_1751 the boys. 想在搞gay. LOL. jk jk, dun take it seriously








IMG_1761 Watchin ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Gaga. We kept saying tyy wanna watch at home then learn those jn moves. Hehe




IMG_1765  they were at the other room bt still can pose for me. :)

IMG_1767 Alien~ Qin qian’s fren. Haha

IMG_1768 She posed for me de. Haha

IMG_1769 A7.

IMG_1770 Zini’s mom baked muffins for us!!! Yay!!!

IMG_1771  Ming waiy. XP

IMG_1772 our canteen

IMG_1773 wc and st.


IMG_1775 curry mee, minus the ‘mee’. lol.

IMG_1776 Bao yi =). Angelyn’s bottle bhind her, we hv the same bottle. Haha

IMG_1777 signing for us.

IMG_1779 1A9, or is it 1A8?

IMG_1781 bao yi and me

IMG_1782  angelyn took off her glasses and bao yi said 你脱我也跟你一起脱. Wad a good fren. Aww~

IMG_1783 our usual ‘排队’place, PS dt’s wc’s head..==



IMG_1786IMG_1787   HAHA.

IMG_1794me and murni. murni so cute!!!!

 IMG_1797I asked her to make a soi expression and she did it. =)

IMG_1798 ST


IMG_1802 qin qian nt supposed to b there. Haha

IMG_1803 shu hui, i din take this pic, dunno who did.


IMG_1805 IMG_1806

IMG_1809 qin qian and jia wen

 IMG_1812 St. Scary…?

IMG_1814 LOL

IMG_1815 The photographer preparing to film us.

IMG_1816 YS asked me to take this pic coz zhi yun and eunice were sitting together

 IMG_1818 IMG_1819



IMG_1824 ilook so ugly in this pic. Haiz~


IMG_1827 look at his shirt.

IMG_1829 look at his shirt

IMG_1830 look at his shirt

IMG_1831 Gracetan signing his shirt

IMG_1832 full of signatures.

IMG_1833 敲大力一点. A7’s back door. Cool~

IMG_1834 ppl signing their shirts. lol

IMG_1835 music lesson. Jz came in nia, teacher said wanna see me and asked me to call all those ppl who wanted to appeal to see her. So go lo, told us lots of stuff then decided nt to appeal d, i dun wanna take the risk. On the way bac to the music room, saw ppl eating ice cream at the canteen. So syok.

IMG_1837 Came bac d. Our laz music lesson in PCGPS

IMG_1839 wad’s wiv the mike? lol

IMG_1840 i look so weird….

IMG_1841 pak’s shirt, full of signatures.

IMG_1843 vry funny dt time.

IMG_1844ppl were chanting ‘xian ming xian ming’. Siao de





IMG_1850 they posed for me. Thx guys. luv ya

IMG_1851 ‘batik’

IMG_1854 Ah sir, he posed for me de.

IMG_1858luv this sooo much. <3

IMG_1855 cynthia.

IMG_1859  wei yee

IMG_1860 tons of ppl.

IMG_1861Wei xian. I signed his shirt, lol.

 IMG_1863 Look at his shirt and his hand!

IMG_1864 walao…so many ppl signing their shirt.

 IMG_1865Lyy. I was kinda rude when I called her. Sry



IMG_1870 IMG_1871

IMG_1872 after i took this pic, he made a ‘sexy’ pose bt i din caught it on camera. sh*t. Then he made the ‘no no no’ sign.

Le bin took a pic of XX using my camera. haha. then i asked her to sign bside his signature. hehe

IMG_1873 6a6, nt my class bt i was standing there so SNAP. din take 6a1 de, haiz…

IMG_1874 TVXQ!!!IMG_1875

IMG_1876 min yu and rou xin!!! Cute girls.

Camera no battery d so nid to use phone to take other pics:

DSC05204 my signature on wx’s shirt.

DSC05205lyy. Awwww so sweet~


DSC05207 rou xinDSC05208 min yu and rou xin. Best frens~

DSC05210 孙老师.Miss her(nt in the good way)

DSC05211 5a1 watching 吓到笑

DSC05212 5a1. blurry picDSC05213

DSC05214 the boy was like 我是xxx我来自3a9(smtg lyk dt) and the teacher asked第几次没有帶书? 第六次and ppl clapped. ==


DSC05216 DSC05217

DSC05219 wc looks so jn. nyehehehehe

DSC05221 **, this pic is for u de, go save it to ur comp.

DSC05222  nice shirt. :DDSC05223

DSC05225 i asked him nt to move and he really din move so SNAP;) this one oso for ** de, save it to ur comp.


DSC05227 DSC05228


DSC05230 DSC05231

DSC05232 some ppl standing outside of the HM’s office, wz oso there.

DSC05233 ‘jian jian’s frens pushing him towards tyy.

DSC05234 see him ‘struggling’

DSC05235 they weren’t posing for me but i took it since i was oso thr.

DSC05236 i told them to act like they’re playing and they did

DSC05237 posing ‘seriously’ for me

DSC05238 shu renDSC05239 zhe yangDSC05240 took this when i was in loo’s car. i used to see this almost everyday and today is the laz time im gonna see it from ‘here’. haiz~


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