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Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm back to normal now, guess that means you lose

For the past few days, I don't feel right, which means I'm confused about almost everything. But I'm back to normal now, guess that means you lose.
No one knows what I'm talking about, only I do. Haha.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

She lied

My sis didn't go to school today. She's sick, at least that's what she said....
When I jz came out from Zoey mom's car, I saw my sis. She doesn't look sick.
She told us that my dad canceled the internet. OMG!!! But turns out that she lied....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alice Academy

I'm reading Gakuen Alice(Alice Academy) AGAIN. I stopped doing that a LONG time ago but I'm reading it again now. Is this even blog-worthy? I guess not.....

Exam is coming.....

Exam is coming.....
I wonder why I always write a new post when exam is 'coming'....

I promised myself not to on the computer but I still can't do it! I'm ADDICTED.
I also promised myself to study today but I end up sleeping for an hour. PS weekday afternoons are really good for naps. =D
Zoey's(is that how you spell it?) mom fetched me back today. 2nd time this year.(yes, I counted them, but I'll probably give up half way coz that's just what I always do) When I was waiting for her mom, ST and my bro was there. ST kept messing up his hair and my brother looks like he is enjoying it, even though he kept calling ST to stop. I told ST not to embarass him in front of his 'girlfriend', then I showed her the 'girlfriend'. Of course I was kidding! The girl is jz a girl my brother used to 'like', I don't think he really likes her coz he is a kid and I don't think he was serious about it. Then I went out and I saw ** , gosh, I didn't even notice it. I went straight back in. Then I saw *** and kept pointing, ST said it's rude to point(she's like my 'mom' XD) so I stopped and she said: Just look from a distance. Lol.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The teacher did some kind of survey today. I jz came back from the toilet when she was calling out names to fill in those forms. She called me and Idk what was happening so I went there and looked at the paper. Then only I knew what it is.
WC kept telling ** nonsensical stuff. Would you stop that? Is it really that fun?
The boys kept pulling others' underwears.... Disgusting, I know.
Plus, we found a panadol pill by the window! At first, we thought it was fake bt then hoh and st smashed it, so we found out it was real.....
I don't need to do ms gan's homework coz I was absent laz week!!Yay!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is that all you can do?

Is that all you got? Twisting the facts and tell the teacher everything. Is that all you can do to ruin my life?
Well, I'm gonna tell you smtg. It's never gonna work.
There are a lot more stuff that are important to me. This is jz a really small matter compare to the others. I'm not gonna waste my time on someone like you and something like this. Go ahead, tell the teacher whatever you want. I don't care if the teacher believes you, coz I haven't done anything wrong, it's just you, twisting everything I've ever said before.
You've got nothing on me.
If you want to ruin my life, you gotta need to do A LOT MORE than that.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Why is it that the ppl in our class cnt be 'a class'?
Why are there so many self-centered ppl who only think about themselves and wants to look at their enemies fall apart? Jz bcoz you don't have what you want, doesn't mean we can't have it...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New template

I changed my template.

(why am I even saying this? it's really obvious...)

Mom's BACK.

She's BACK!!!!!!!!!!
There are tons of gift baskets in my living room right now......

Mom's back =)

Got PE today. Should I be happy? Not sure.
During PE, we keep seeing dt little boy. Haha. Everyone was playing except us, we were looking at the little kids. JY called us not to 对付her, puh-lease, why would I wanna waste my time on smtg stupid like dt?
The boys were googling for ghost pictures at the library and they set it as the desktop picture. Some of them were scared and teacher called them to close it so othr ppl wun hv nightmares. The boys then chged the picture into a smiley face. =)
After school, jowyn and grace was playing with white-string-thingy. They were really funny, especially jowyn. Some guy stepped on the string and she smtg like:retarded. Lol.
Then I keep laughing as if I was drunk. Grace and Jowyn keep swinging the white-string-thingy and Grace said dt she hope Samuel sees it.
Then they stopped and Jowyn scrunched the string into a ball and shoved it into my dress. I yelled : What the hell is this?
Went down the stairs with Zini. She keep calling me to hurry up so I did. Then I found out why.....
Dad said mom's still in the hospital bt I saw her in his car! Surprise...! (i guess....?)
Btw, Zini's gonna show me a picture tomorrow. Yay! I bet they look cute.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My throat is killing me

Jz came back from the doctor. My throat hurts so bad......
I'm using my stupid old computer coz my brother wants to play Adventure Quest.
I didn't update much these days. U cnt blame me coz I have a headache and a fever. Plus, I broke a personal record for being on the computer for only 15 mins!!! PS haven't touched my homework yet.
Here's what happened l8ly:
~that person is getting more and more annoying
~I'm sick
~Eunice is at the Swiss Inn
~Jw is obsessed with those novels, wc starts reading them
~Sc teacher didn't come yesterday, kind of a miracle.
~Ys told me a secret, nt sure whether it's true or nt coz it sounds weird
~There's an eclipse of the sun today. Jz saw it for a while.

~I went back late today. Yay...?
~ I guess dt's it.....?

Bryan is giving me a trivia now. Lol.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I spent a long time to edit the code coz there was just too many codes. Everything was perfect but there’s still one thing left. The stupid Photobucket thing. I couldn’t get rid of it. If you visited my blog jz now u might know what I meant. This is ANNOYING and UNFAIR. I spent a lot of time doing it and this is what I get? Damn it.

Guess I’m destined to be stuck with my current template. But it doesn’t matter coz I like it. Even so, I still like the one I spent about an hour editing it.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Japanese Restaurant. =)

The teacher walked up to me after school today and told me dt my mom was gonna fetch me. That’s good, but the bad part is she jz came from the HOSPITAL, obviously not smtg good.

So I waited for her while my brother was playing wiv his friend. It looks kinda ‘fun’.

When I saw my dad’s car, I saw my mom in it. And when she came out from the car, I notice smtg on her hand,some cotton and tape. I dunno wad she did in the hospital, bt I think she jz 抽血. She told us she wanted to bring us to a japanese restaurant for lunch. Yay!

She also told us she’s gonna be admitted to the hospital on Sunday and start her operation on Monday and will come back on Thursday. BooHoo…

When we arrive at the restaurant, we hv to wait for almost 20 minutes coz thr was only one chef, the other two was SICK. I feel bad for them.

Arrive home really late and I hv to finish my tuition homework quickly and dt jz s*cks soo bad. I hate homework.

PS I’m constantly reminding myself to bring the romance novel for JiaWen tomorrow, she LOVES those, jz like my sis. Haha.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sick…. (not me. (= )

There’s not much to write about today.

Let’s start with hoh, she’s sick, I feel so sorry for her. She was cold so she went to sit at the back. Jacky was really happy. Curse him…

During PE, I played badminton with Hoh for almost 3 minutes and then we stopped and walked around with the others.

There we were little kids running around today.They are sooo cute!!!ST likes one of them, and he fell down, poor guy. Grace knocked one 混血儿 and she kept saying sorry but he kept wanting to get away from her. LOL.

Ruby got sick during recess, he told me he had a headache. How sad… When we went to the library, teacher let him rest in the ‘computer room’ in the library. He was really sick. Then some boys walked past the room and said Ruby got knocked by someone or smtg(wtf…), eunice told them dt ruby had a headache.

Hoh told me dt she slept during SC and teacher didn’t mind. Lucky girl.

As you can see, a lot of ppl are sick today. Peixi told me dt hoh might have the H1N1 and i said no way. And if she had it, I WILL DEFINITELY have it coz I was with her most of the time today.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

By Miley

The best kind of laughter is when you start laughing for no reason and can't stop. In that moment, you forget about everything else. You let go of the world and let go of control - which we all should do sometimes.
-Miley Cyrus

Faith is having the strength to trust in something that you can't see with your eyes or prove scientifically. You believe because your heart tells you that's where you should go or who you should be. You heart tells you what is right.

-Miley Cyrus

Why is it always like dt?

XX and VV hates ZZ. And then XX and VV tried to be good with ZZ and it worked.
Now XX, VV and KK hates her again.

COME ON! Is it really THAT hard not to hate her?

PS the letters do not represent her initials.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I jz found out dt someone created a hating blog. But this time it's not about gkmy, it's about lyy.
That person is clever and she even scolded lyy's MOM. I totally respect her. Amazing.....
Even though I know most moms will get mad when they see hating blogs and stuff, I still think moms shouldn't mess with this kind of stuff, coz if they do, the haters will hate the person MORE. Which makes it worse.
If I were lyy, I would totally jz handle it myself instead of jz telling my mom. I mean, we're not babies anymore, ppl will hate us and we'll hate others too, this is LIFE, if u cnt deal with haters, u might as well jz get out of this world.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To: Jy

Actually, u didn't jj with us, WE jj with u.
You're the one dt says : jj 嘛jj lo, limpe 还有很多朋友,不需要你们来服侍我。
And now you're acting all sad and mad as if we did smtg wrong, YOU're the one dt said you're ok with it.

You hate YY coz you're jealous. You think she's as proud as a peacock but she's not.
If you hate yy, keep it to yourself, you don't need to tell the whole wide world she's 'disgusting'.
She didn't steal your friends, your 'friends' juz prefer her to you. We LIKE her more than you, deal with it.
You said dt we pretend to be your friend when we need you but treat you like rubbish when we don't. That is so not true, what is it that we need from you?
And you wanna know the reason we don't wanna be your friend anymore? It's coz you hate yy for no reason, and jealousy is not a reason.
And if you tell the teacher, what r you gonna tell her? That we hate you? Well, before you do, think about yourself, the way you hate yy coz you're jealous, the way you hit her and bully her. Think about it.

Like the story about Jesus teacher told us, don't u remember?

THIS IS NOT A HATING POST. I jz wanna make things clear before I get punish for no reason.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Raining (sooo cold)

It’s raining heavily rite now… and I’m using windows live writer at the living room without the internet connection. So I’m gonna post it l8r when I get back to my room.

I’m waiting for my mom- she’s bathing. So I have to wait till she’s done.

She jz came out n said how cute the pig(soft toy) is. Haha. I hv to agree, it really is cute.

I was FREEZING when I was at lollipop’s tuition, well, actually a lot of ppl were freezing bt she still doesn’t wanna off aircond. Wtf. Meanie… (jk)

My sis is at her school’s campfire now. I wanna go…

But it’s raining, so u might as well jz call it a camp, instead of a campfire.(coz there’s no fire). How unlucky…

Plus, I went to Queensbay this morning, I dun even know dt they have a MEGA SALE today. I saw a shirt dt was originally 59.90, but now it’s RM9!! OMG! Now I know why the sale is so ‘MEGA’.

My bro n my dad are at Queensbay, thy’re gonna watch Transformers 2. The movie is gonna start in a few minutes. I don’t wanna go coz it’s raining and I have a lot of stuff I wanna do. ST is happy now coz I’m nt watching Transformers 2.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Clouds and rainbows

This place looks peaceful, I wanna go there but I'm not sure whether it exists or not.
this one's from Alaska, i wonder why Alaska is so 'beautiful', I mean I have a picture of an Aurora from Alaska and it's absolutely pretty. I think I'm gonna go to Alaska someday....

This one looks kinda fake, but it's still nice.

This picture is special coz u can see a rainbow AND pretty clouds.


Got B for my Penulisan. I just need ONE more point and I can get A, DAMN IT.

'大小姐' 今天又生气了. (i prefer to write tht in chinese bt i dunno why)
PS this happens A LOT.

After music, I saw ys and i said 你的敬彦 and she was 'mad'(she is happy-obviously) and chased me, and she almost knocked into him while she was chasing me. Ha! She also almost-knocked into him when she was on her way back from the choir.
During English, many ppl changed their places, but I dun wanna write down their names. It's not coz they are my bez friends, but **keep saying dt I dun wanna write down their names coz they are my best friends, HELLO? Are u BLIND? Some of them(those who changed their places) are BOYS.
I keep walking around to tell them to change back to their places in case ** tells the teacher(打小报告,dt's wad she says it is). Plus, even if I want to write down their names, I have to 'warn' them b4 doing dt, rite? which means I hv to WALK AROUND, wad's wrong wiv dt?(she wrote down my name coz i walked around)
A lot of ppl dun get why ** can write down our names and tell the teacher, i told them dt she can do dt coz , like i said b4, it's 打小报告.
Zini actually 'scolded' ** , yongliang scolded her too and jingyan kinda tagged along.
I expected her to tell the teacher but she didn't coz the teacher left early. Haha.

Beautiful by Bethany Dillon

I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life
I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory
I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful
You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful


This is an amazing song, so I posted the lyrics.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Don't wanna be torn

Maybe its the things I say
Maybe I should think before I speak
But I thought I knew enough to know myself
And do whats right for me

And these walls I'm building now
You used to bring them down
The tears I'm crying out
You used to wipe away

I thought you said it was easy
Listenin' to your heart
I thought you said I'd be ok
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn

Maybe I should choose
Between what I want
And what you think I need

Cause I'll always be your little girl
But even little girls have got to dream
Now it all feels like a fight
You were always on my side
All I need now
Is to make it go away

I thought you said it was easy
Listenin' to your heart
I thought you said I'd be ok
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn

Why is all this so confusing?
Complicated and consuming
Why does all this make me angry?
Wanna go back to being happy

Cause here I'm crying now
Trying to walk away

I thought you said it was easy
Listenin' to your heart
I thought you said I'd be ok
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn

Don't wanna be torn

By Hannah Montana

I ‘ran’

I saw him after school and I quickly put down my bottle and walked to the other side. But then I realized that it’s no use since he will walk past this lane, so i went back. Stupid school, should’ve been bigger and more lanes.

Our test papers fell into the drain

After recess, ziyan asked me to give out the test papers bt 6 of them fell into the drain! This really is the first time I’ve ever heard of smtg like this…. (even though hoh said this the 2nd time smtg like this ever happened)

Jacky said it’s nt his fault and said that it is zhiyung’s fault(even so, ppl still blame jacky). He said zhiyung jumped or smtg and slipped and the test papers flew around. I wish I was there to witness that coz i bet it’s REALLY FUNNY.

I went downstairs and saw them drying the papers. That was weird and funny coz the papers keep flying around.

I’m really lucky coz mine didn’t went into the drain. Jacky said mine almost went in but he caught it. So hoh said he is my ‘考卷的救命恩人’.

Jacky’s, xm’s, fumyew’s, jingcai’s, wc’s and marcia’s test paper fell into the drain. A lot of  ppl say Jacky ‘自作自受'  even though it wasn’t his fault, but I still like the fact that he is the one who gets blamed at.

Before recess, our class teacher wanted us to draw a face on our book coz the face represents the ‘作者'. The face she draw was really funny so we all draw our own faces . I just draw smtg like this =),ST draw Kon, YS drew 七仔. Then, teacher drew plenty of other faces,one of them has weird hair and glasses, the other one is a girl, bt the hair looks really weird, so I think it looks like an eggshell with fake hair attached to it. Grace saw the picture teacher draw(the glasses one) and she draw it. It really looks like Jacky. Nerdy glasses, weird hair. Grace only draw three strands of hair for him so he said dt’s not him. Grace added 多一根for him and he said he doesn’t have such little hair. Hoh and I said dt Grace added one more strand for him bt he said it still doesn’t make any difference. We ignored him n continued to said it looks like him.

During English(which is when our test papers fell into the drain), my friends changed their places, I dun wanna write down their name bt jy asked me why and I can see dt she plans to tell the teacher tht I’m 偏心, so I asked my frens and all the other ppl who changed their places to go back to their places in case smtg happens.

A lot happened today bt i dun think it would fit into a post.Plus, I’m tired and lazy.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Added a new widget

I added a new widget.

It’s called Twitter Updates. It doesn't look nice as it does when u put it on myspace bt it's still ok.

Monday, July 6, 2009


200907011539541010_1.jpg picture by 0rch1d200907011517101010_1.jpg picture by 0rch1d200907011542061010_1.jpg picture by 0rch1d


Aren't they pretty? A korean actress, Koo Hye Sun painted them.

She is sooo annoying

She is so annoying.

She likes to act cool to attract attention.

She wants the boys to notice her.

She likes to make fun of fat ppl even though she isn’t slim.

She doesn’t want to accept the fact that we like ** more than her.

She gets jealous easily

She hates someone jz because she’s jealous.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm so glad that my friends(well,actually,there's only one,but it's better than none) start using Twitter.
I agree with ST abt the fact dt Twitter is really cool. All of u should try it.

Notice that I use capital 'T' for Twitter? Why? Coz I respect Twitter! Lol.

My pyzam template is gone

My pyzam template is GONE.

That’s coz I went to btemplates and found a really nice template n decided to use it. I clicked edit HTML bt it won’t work so I thought dt maybe it needs to be revert to classic template. And guess what? It won’t work either!

So there goes the pyzam template….

Goodbye…. I’ll miss you….


Saturday, July 4, 2009

JW's party

I just finished bathing after coming back from JW's party. I'm so glad I went there(JW's house) instead of just going home after tuition.

I arrived late. And by late, I mean REAL late. The party starts at 4.30 and I arrived at abt 7. Well, at least I went there.

On the way to her house, my mom forgot whr is her house so we got lost. I called Zini and WC answered it and pretended to be Zini. They didn't tell me the directions though. :( Then, I called JW and she told me whr her house is. THANK YOU.

When I was at the gate, I shouted Rachel's name bt she didn't hear me so I tried again and she heard me. She went in to tell everyone. My friends came out and I saw Hoh. She is sooo girly, u can see that judging by wad she wore. Zini said Hoh is a prostitute and keeps doing her 'job'. LOL.JY even shouted 'I Love You' when I was outside. Swt.

WC wore a vest - she looks like a high school student. ST wore a Nike shirt. Zini loves Nike.

I went in n they keep going on and on abt xm. I hate it when they do that. >:(

I ate nuggets and Hoh helped me barbecue my food, she is awesome...

YY is sooo cute today. Haha. We went to sit on the swing and whenever one of us gets up, someone will sit at our place coz there's nt enough space for ALL of us to sit there.

The others were playing water balloons and JY throw one of them at us and then the others did too. So we went to play with them. I didn't really play it though. Just walked around and talked. It was fun too. ST played 'Just a dream' by Carrie Underwood on her iPod and I listened to it. It's my new favourite song. Then, we stood by the fence and looked down at the other houses and cars(her house is on a 'hill'). We talked abt 'stuff' and JX stood near us for a while coz he was doing smtg and ST was shocked coz she didn't even see him. Haha.

They decided to play a new game, I wanna play it at first bt I changed my mind after knowing wad game it is. So I went it and watched TV. They keep using my phone to take pictures of xm. Wtf. We fight over my phone so WC used her camera to take pictures. Zini keep playing Sims2 using my phone. My battery was originally 99% bt it became 77% when I was at the party. Oh well...

We chose our 'mystery' gift and I gt books....the others got teddies....
Then, I gt a second try and I got highlighters, so I exchanged with ST coz she gt a small bag. I dun like the bag bt I think it's really cute,like little kids' stuff. No offense. PS Grace's little sister is cute and pretty. If I were a guy, I would like her, too bad she's so young(okay... this is weird)

We played a game in one of her rooms. it was damn hot. We need to turn off the lights and two of us will have to find the others. It was pretty easy coz I can see them pretty clearly(thr's a window and they hide behind the curtain, so I can see their shadows). SInce it's easy, we changed the game, when we found someone, we have say out their names and the person who finds it has to go out while the others hide. Did I mention that I'm the one who finds them? I went out of the room to wait for them to hide. I opened the door and went in when they finished hiding. Still not working coz when I open the door, I can see them coz of the light outside.

So we played hide and seek instead(i know, real childish, bt her house is HUGE so I tot we should give it a try). I wanna seek bt three of us wanna seek so I chose to hide. We keep changing our hiding place until they gave up seeking us. So went back to the room bt JW's sis was still hiding and she wasn't happy when she found out that they gave up seeking her.

Before that, JW opened her presents. Me, zini and yy gave her 'lollipop's' album. We found out that she doesn't really like them. Aww man. Bt Grace likes them. And she said dt wadever that belongs to JW belongs to her too. Haha.

Ntg much to do so I went to sit on the swing with yy, st joined us. We talked abt a lot of stuff and then Zini came and we continued talking. I wished we could stay like dt forever bt that is impossible. I asked ST how it would feel if she was sitting on the swing with him. She said that it would be nice. I agree. It would be nice too if i were sitting there with the person I like. (little disgusting but I still wanna write it.Haha) YY didn't trust us enough to tell us who she ***** and we all pretended to be so hurt and sad. Lol.

Then, my dad came and I have to go back. Heard 'So what' by Pink, 'Low' by Flo Rida, 'I'm with you' by Avril on the radio. What a lucky nite, I heard two songs I like and one song that I've nvr had a chance to listen to which is 'Low'.Actually Zini let me hear it at JW's house bt I didn't hear the whole song.

You might think the games we play are a bit childish bt there were kids there so we had no choice.


We just had an argument yesterday and now we’re back to normal again. This is extremely weird coz it will usually last for days. Well, wadever, as long as I’m glad it turn out this way.

When I arrived at school today, I took a walk wiv yiyun and then I went back to class. WC dragged me out and asked me smtg and then she freaked out coz she thought JJ(i dunno hw to spell her name) told the teacher about that. So we have to run around to search for her and YY. Turns out dt she didn’t tell teacher. Which means I ran around for ntg. Great…… bt I’m still glad she didn’t tell teacher.

Then, WC dragged me out cz she wanted to show me smtg. We went into the old girls’ bathroom at the third floor. It’s not even creepy, dunno why ppl say it’s creepy or haunted.

I ran around a lot today. Oh well…

During english lesson, I went to toilet a lot. Bt I only went to the actual toilet once. WC and YY were in the toilet for a long time,(she was showing YY smtg) and we joked dt they were doing ‘that thing’. JY cried coz she fell down in class while she was spraying water on Zini. So I have to go wiv Zini to ‘安慰’her. To tell the truth, I didn’t even do anything, I just followed Zini coz I know JY wasn’t crying. When we were going back to our class, I saw my sis and she saw me.

After school, ST saw my sis and she kept laughing. My sis likes her ROXY bag. Haha.

Need to go to tuition after my stupid tuition. I really wish it would be cancelled coz I dun wanna be late for JW’s party.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ever Ever After

Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true
Deep down inside we want to believe they still do
In our secretest heart, it's our favourite part of the story
Let's just admit we all want to make it to
Ever ever after
If we just don't get it our own way
Ever ever after
It may only be a wish away
Start a new fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve
Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe
Unafraid, unashamed
There is joy to be claimed in this world
You even might wind up being glad to be you
Ever ever after
Though the world will tell you it's not smart
Ever ever after
The world can be yours if you let your heart
Believe in ever after
No wonder your heart feels it's flying
Your head feels it's spinning
Each happy ending's a brand new beginning
Let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through
To ever ever after
Forever could even start today
Ever ever after
Maybe it's just one wish away
Your ever ever after
(I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss)
Oh, for ever ever ever after

Ever Ever After – Carrie Underwood

'Welcom Turist' - LOL

Found this picture on pYzam.

I did something 'good'

I did something I'm proud of.
I'm really happy coz I dun usually do stuff like this, I just sleep, on9 and do my homework when I'm at home.
Besides, when my brother wanted to play BOTS, I went to the living room. I played Fearless(the album/disc) and read a book. I don't usually read too, so I'm happy. (:
And I cnt continue reading now coz my brother wanna watch TV. Grr....

Exam over

Exam is over... which means I have a lot of free time..... Yay!
I'm enjoying my free time rite now. Playing the computer.=) I still love the computer even though I turn it on every single day. Haha.
My brother kept asking me stupid questions about his homework. He made a stupid sentence:如果你跑,一定会跌到...............??
Now, he's playing the guitar and he's trying to play Love Story, but he obviously can't. He doesn't remember the notes so it sounds really weird.
JY hugged me at school today. I can hardly breathe. She hugged me all the way to the toilet. She let go of me when we walked past a5 coz she wanna see her **. Then, she hugged me again.... :/
Not so happy about my results.
Just listened to Miley sing 'I'm Just a Girl' and 'Mixed Up' live. She's really good. I love her.