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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sick…. (not me. (= )

There’s not much to write about today.

Let’s start with hoh, she’s sick, I feel so sorry for her. She was cold so she went to sit at the back. Jacky was really happy. Curse him…

During PE, I played badminton with Hoh for almost 3 minutes and then we stopped and walked around with the others.

There we were little kids running around today.They are sooo cute!!!ST likes one of them, and he fell down, poor guy. Grace knocked one 混血儿 and she kept saying sorry but he kept wanting to get away from her. LOL.

Ruby got sick during recess, he told me he had a headache. How sad… When we went to the library, teacher let him rest in the ‘computer room’ in the library. He was really sick. Then some boys walked past the room and said Ruby got knocked by someone or smtg(wtf…), eunice told them dt ruby had a headache.

Hoh told me dt she slept during SC and teacher didn’t mind. Lucky girl.

As you can see, a lot of ppl are sick today. Peixi told me dt hoh might have the H1N1 and i said no way. And if she had it, I WILL DEFINITELY have it coz I was with her most of the time today.

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