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Sunday, May 31, 2009

I finally have it!!!

ST bought Miles To Go for me!!! Bt I have to pay her back....
Well, I dun hv it now yet but at least she bought it d!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


So, WC is at the skating rink right now and I’m at home staring at my laptop. I’m seriously bored.

Idk whether I’ve mention this before but I’m still gonna say it, I haven’t finish my homework yet! Yay!? (just being sarcastic)

Need to go to school tomorrow. My sis is coming back tomorrow. Big day tomorrow, huh? Nt really…

Gt a lot of articles featuring Miley at the newspaper today. Hmm… should I read them?(maybe I should,since I’m so bored, bt I still hv tons of homework to get back to,so maybe not and… bye….?)

Deleted posts

I figure out I should delete my previous posts. Reason: Too mean
Plus, I wrote it when I was mad, so it doesn't really mean anything. Since it doesn't really mean anything, deleting it isn't a bad thing.

Current obsession: ijustine!!!!!!!!

PS I want the Panda!!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Hey! Guess what?
I'm all smiley again! :)

It feels so weird without you

Well, the title says it all.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Miles To Go

When jing yan was reading the newspaper, I spotted something....... The picture of Miley's book!!!!
I was practically freaking out and then I saw Zac Efron on the newspaper. He's awesome. I cnt believe I'm saying this bt he is a good actor....
Zini's gonna go to Gurney so I asked her to go to MPH and see whether the book is there. When my tuition ended, I texted her and she said no stock d. Wtf!!!!! I WANT THAT BOOK! I WANT IT!!! Almost as bad as how much I want the iPhone, which I'll nvr have it. T_T
Grrr.... sometimes I wish Miley wouldn't have so many fans and I can get that book. MUAHAHA... Ok.... that was evil.... and WEIRD.
My sis, mom and stupid, idiotic bro is at Tesco to shop for cup noodles and junk food coz my sis is gonna go to malacca and KL tomorrow with her friends. Actually, she's going with the school. SHe joined a club that lets u travel around the world, nt exactly the world maybe Malaysia. Cool.....
Anyways, just wanna say goodbye to my sister. GOODBYE.
PS: u better nt lose anything or else mom won't let me bring anything to the graduation trip.

Teachers' Day

Today is Teachers' Day. Happy Teachers' Day!?
My brother didn't go to school today coz he gt a stomach ache. He just suddenly cried in the car n he said dt he wants to stay at home. Weirdo.
When I arrived at school, I saw a lot of ppl giving presents to their teachers, but I din prepare any gift. I also saw ppl drawing stuff on the whiteboard at 6a7. But we didn't.
We went to the hall to 'celebrate' teachers' day. Sat down and stand up and sat down again. We 'welcomed' the VIPs or wadever u call them. One of them was my fren's father, she must be so proud of her father.
Sit in the hall for about an hour and I was bored coz the girl sitting in front of me doesn't talk much and the boy sitting behind me is the person I h8 so much. While my other frens are having soo much fun at the back. It's all bcoz of the teacher.....
Then the teachers cut the cake and they get to eat it. Boohoo, i wanna eat it. LOL
Recess. Ntg special.
The games started. Basketball was first. Cnt see it coz a lot of ppl were blocking me. I said smtg to wc and she's mad at me again. She misunderstood wad I meant. Oh well....
Walked around the school with st and I keep bumping into them. Sort of.
Then she gt tired so I walked wiv yy. She sure is cute.
Went searching for zini wiv yi yun. We searched almost everywhere.... then we found her at the basketball 'court' or wadever u call it. She said I missed the good and funny part. Damn it.
Then the game ended and we hv to wait coz they're preparing for the badminton game or competition. wadever u call it.
Went up to the hall wiv yi yun. She keeps holding my hand, it makes me feel lyk a lesbian. )=
Saw ming waiy and wei wei. Wei wei keep pulling her hand and teasing her about the person she likes. Lol.
Then she starts teasing me about xm, she thinks I like him bt dt will nvr happen. Which is why I was chasing her coz she won't stop blabbing abt it!
Run around and around and stopped coz she was tired and I am too. Went back to the hall and I cnt find my frens. Yi Yun needs to go to the computer room for computer class so she left. I went back to my class and tjin hui asked me hold the file tht has certificates in it, i think. So i went down to find her bt she dissapeared which means i hv to help her take the file. Damn it.
Luckily, she came back.
I walked wiv st-again. Bt this time, we're walking at the third floor. We were talking about 'life'. It's a weird topic, I know. I went to the toilet coz I was a mess after running.
Then, we stopped outside of our classroom and continue talking. It felt great coz I was sweating and there was a lot of wind. Bt then a few annoying boys ran around and i h8 it.
I went back in class n played the word guessing game wiv Eunice, Ruby, RJ, Marcia n ST. Which explains why we were sitting on the tables near the door, we were writing on the whiteboard.
Just when I wished we could sit there and play forever, the bell rung. Guess tht's goodbye....
Ok, wishing that I could keep playing the word guessing game made me sound like a geek or nerd, but we weren't guessing words abt vocabulary or grammar or wadever, we were guessing the names of movies, actor, actresses and singers and a lot more.
I had a lot of fun today except tht wc was mad at me. )=

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I hate it when u pinch me

To Ruby:

I hate it when u pinch me, especially on the neck. Please don’t do it anymore coz it truly s**ks…


JY gave me the invitation card to her party, but I haven’t showed it to my parents yet. Sry, jy.

We get to walk around and go to other classes to buy stuff instead of following the stupid schedule. Bt we have to go back to our class by 9.10am.

It rained heavily today. I love the rain. (=

Even though I used to love rain, bt it’s kinda annoying today coz I cnt hear wadever my sc teacher was saying. If it’s english, I won’t mind coz English isn’t complicated, bt SC IS! I hope the teacher would explain it again nxt time.

Went to the library and Ruby pinched me. I h8 it. He’s been pretty close wiv Eunice these days which is good coz Eunice doesn’t really talk to boys.

The teacher told us our grades?scores?marks?(wadever u call it) of the chinese essay competition.

Ruby beat his enemy! Yay?

** and ** finally talk! YAY! PS ** called me just now and she cried… )=

Saw two lesbians today. I stood at the gate or corridor that leads u to the secondary school during recess coz my frens wanna see the lesbian bt unfortunately they didn’t get to see one of them touching the othr girl’s waist. But I did. Idk whether dt’s considered as lucky.

Tomorrow is Teachers' Day!! Yay?

I didn't buy anything for my teachers though... Sry...

Even so, it doesn't mean I hate them. I do 'love' them though. I really appreciate the fact tht they have taught me so much. Thank You.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm nt a lesbian

I know I said tht I’m a lesbian today bt it’s nt true. I was juz jk, dun take it seriously.

To ‘someone’:

I know u shouldn’t apologize coz it’s nt ur fault bt this just needs to end.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why did she stop

Today I woke up at the same time as usual bt I was super tired and that s**ks.
Went to school n it rained, something to cheer me up(i love the rain).
Went to a the fifth class wiv jy coz she wanted to find her friend. Hoh had a fight with her and I walked away coz it was stupid. Hoh wrote down her number n she cried....
I walked around the school again with st. Better. Coz she doesn't cry easily.

Went to buy stuff at 5a1 first coz we wanna see 孙老师. Many ppl were thr. Dang it.
They were really ethutiastic about this day coz they even paste a paper beside the stairs that tells us their class is up thr. At least they're better than us. We didn't bother to 'decorate' or whatever last year.
There's another class that has music and a slideshow, I think it's 5a7. I heard Jay Chou's song and I went to tell Zini. She freaked out and I fell down coz a little boy running from the othr direction knocked me down. It was painful bt I didn't whine at all coz I hate ppl who does tht.Bought spaghetti and junk food which I wasn't sure wad it's called....
After school, as always, my teacher fetched me back. But when she was halfway to the gate, she had to stop and I had to see the person I hate.... Every second was torture......

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Life

My life is full of drama, really, I'm nt kidding.
Especially this year. Drama, drama, drama throughout the 'whole' year.(i know, 2009 hasn't ended)
I hate drama!
But I still love to watch dramas though......

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I went to Queensbay just now. Jealous? Lol.
We went to Padini coz my sis and mom wanted to. SO i just kinda walk around pointlessly with them while they choose their clothes. I don't really like to shop for clothes. I mean why cnt I just go look at CDs or DVDs?
When I was at Padini, Ruby sms me and said tht he's at the carpark. I didn't see him coz he went Nando's and I was stuck at Padini 'shopping' for clothes.....
Then we went to more shops and we went to buy sushi. Yay! We also went to 'Auntie Anne's ' and bought the hotdog-with-cheese-wrapped-in-a-bun thing. Nt sure wad it's called but it was nice so wadever. We also met my mom's friend.... Yay?
Came back and my bro was angry coz we didn't bring him wiv us. My mom bought the hotdog-with-cheese-wrapped-in-a-bun thing for him bt he said he doesn't want it. The funny thing is, he's eating it now! Ya, he is.
I've gt ntg much to do so I coloured my peka and the 'hand' i draw looks like an alien's coz I coloured it with different brown. I didn't do it on purpose, I was just trying the different shades of brown and I didn't realize tht i was colouring on the paper! How stud am I?
Currently listening to : Don't Forget by Demi Lovato.-- cnt get it off my head]


Is the mightiest sword
Forgiveness of those you fear
Is the highest reward
When they bruise you with words
When they make you feel small
When it's  the hardest to take
You must do nothing at all...
-- Jane Eyre.

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.

GREAT minds discuss ideas, AVERAGE minds discuss events, SMALL minds discuss people.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today is Saturday and as usual, I have to go to school. But it is actually quite fun coz Saturdays aren't just like typical school days. I mean, we go to school and can just switch places n talk or do some stuff that u aren't usually allowed to do during schooldays. Even so, u still hv to pay attention during class n do school work, just less than usual.
I woke up at 7:15am!!OMG coz my house is far away from school. But eventually, I made it to school without being l8. Yay! I walked 'around' the school with Grace coz she wanted to see Samuel. Then when I gt back to class, I walked with yy and the othrs.
So I went to sit with Eunice to keep her company coz she seems lonely bt then my frens were mad(sort of) coz I wasn't with them.
I went back to sit with them(after recess) so they won't be mad bt partly coz I wanted to too.
I ate A LOT during recess. Rice, WC's chocolate cake, Hoh's muffin n a nugget. =( I dun want to be a fat pig.....
My mom came to fetch me back, that's a surprise coz she usually doesn't. It turns put tat it's coz my dad couldn't fetch me so she came. Bad news is, she drove my dad's stupid waja instead of her comfy car.....
I arrived home at 2pm!! Wanna know why? Coz she went to fetch my brother n dropped my cousin at her house then she went to McD to buy lunch and then we went to Cosway. End.
I hate it when I arrived home l8.
My bro n cousin have gone to tuition d. =)
Bt then I hv to get ready for my tuition which starts at 5pm n I hv to get ready at 4pm coz it's far away. Funny thing is, my tuition place is the place my bro and cousin is in rite now.
I h8 Saturdays when it's a busy day. I wish my tuition would be cancelled. Still waiting for the phone call....

Friday, May 22, 2009

American Idol

I watched American Idol on 8tv which is actually slower than the original one but I dun care. I missed 30 mins of it so I missed Kris and Adam's performance....
But I didn't miss the performance of Black Eyed Peas.

I know I said I hate Adam bt he really isn't as bad as I thought he is. My sister said his eyes are mesmorising. PS Allison HUGGED Adam! They would make a good couple. I'm nt kidding....

Selena is wise

Selena Gomez is wise...
I cnt believe I admitted that but she really is wise.
What she wrote in her myspace newest blog entry was so true n meaningful. Her quotes are awesome too.
To ST: Don't be mad that I juz compliment Selena but she really is wise.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


She wanted me to do this:


PS I broke my personal record for being on the phone for 1hour15mins35sec

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


鱿鱼 gave a Fila bottle!!!! Wow, nvr expected that.... You really do know how to surprise ppl... Plus, I LOVE surprises.
Thx yy!

Today is WC's bday. Happy Birthday WC!! Sry I couldn't stay back n sing happy birthday.): Few days till YY's birthday!
I was just kidding when I said that i will buy u a notebook. Maybe I will buy u a necklace or 唐禹哲's album but it depends whether it's expensive or nt...

I keep seeing dt b**ch these days.
Found this on youtube:
if some one calls you a bitch, there really calling you a: female dog......dogs bark......barks on trees......trees from nature.....natures BEAUTIFUL, SO THERE REALLY CALLING YOU BEAUTIFUL!!!
This is why I'm gonna stop calling the ppl i h8 b**ches....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I don't get it

I still don't get why G likes Samuel and k** s***
Why does she like them?
Samuel isn't what u'll call good-looking whereas the other guy is evil.... (nt rili but sort of-no offense)


Found some pictures of puppies. They are so cute! =]


Puppies2This is actually a drawing or a poster.

Puppies3 This kinda looks like Sophie, Miley’s dog.

Puppies4 Puppies running. LOL

Puppies5 Are they hiding behind the flower pot?


I saw the b*tch today and she is really bitchy.(not gkmy). I cnt stand her!
I don't think u guys will ever know who she is. MUAHAHAHAHA.
The girl that Adrian likes came to our class and everyone started clapping and shouting. Cikgu Koay said dt the girl was frightened and was pale. Adrian then called us to stop. Aww....
I saw miley on the cover of the 'newspaper' and I freaked out. Just when I was about to be crazier, the teacher called me to take a piece of paper to 6a6. Phew.. If nt I would be freaking out more.
PX is still 'bragging' about her science marks and her sasuke picture. She's a 'genius' coz she brags in an indirect way that u will not know she's bragging. I'm nt sure if this a copliment or insult.
I saw PaWnAgE laughing with a girl, maybe she's the girl he likes?

I stood at the side of the corridor waiting and I didn't realize that my car was just beside me all the time.... I am soooo dumb.
Arrived. My friend called me and asked me whether the tuition is cancelled or nt. I didn't know that it is cancelled so i asked my mom n she said yes. I'm happy. (:
But I'm also worried coz she's having a flu nw and thr's this H1N1 virus. Plus, she fetches me everyday.(almost)
So if she's suspected, i might be quarantined.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My I.C.

Went to make my IC just now. I went there at 3pm and came back at 5.15pm!!! Wtf.
It was sooooo long. I hate it. we even gt the wrong number, really unlucky. Anyways, I just finish my ms gan homework and I on the computer(as expected). I dun have enough time to play games and other stuff so tata.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've decided - April is the craziest month of the year so far.
HEre's why:
My phone bill for april was 80++!! OMG. I promised my parents that i won't be like my sis but i broke my promise. Sorry..... :(
But u cnt blame me. I mean, a lot happened at April. Something crazy happened at April 10 and 11. It still doesn't feel real till now....
There's more but i cnt rili remember. So tata.....

PS lovin' the viva la vida+love story on my playlist.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Playlist

I've got a new playlist! I prefer to call it my iPod Touch coz it's shape like an iPod Touch and I've always wanted one.
I've got some new songs like songs from Hey Monday and songs from Hannah Montana the soundtrack. I even added a miley and mandy video.LOL. I also added a piano version of 'Numb' by Linkin Park. I also added the music video of You Belong With Me by Taylor and the pop version of Teardrops on My Guitar.
Hope u like it. :)

Hope you're nt mad

I hope you're nt mad anymore. I would be sooo happy if you're nt. I love you, i really do. Of coz, I love st too.


Ah hah! You said that someone can see the real you, which means u're nt alone.
If u keep thinking that we dun care, it's nvr gonna help. I once thought of that way but I chased the thought away coz thoughts like this are really scary. If u just keep thinking like dt it, things will be worse.
How do u know dt ppl will think dt ur the culprit? I mean, we haven't even cried at the same time. Like i said before, stop saying that no one cares about u, there are ppl who cares about u. And if u think that way, other ppl will be hurt too. It makes them feel invisible to you.
U said that u were jealous, I was jealous of someone at std 4 too. And of course, I handled it better than u coz obviously I'm nt jealous of her anymore.
And yes, u hide 'it' very well. I've been hiding 'it' for a long time too and no one noticed it yet. We are both great 'actresses' but i think we should try to be awful 'actresses'.
Like u said in ur blog, it's nvr too late to change.


I'm gonna write you a reply here coz obviously i cnt fit it in a sms.
So here goes:

What makes you think that I don't care about you? I do.
You said that you can see it through but u cnt coz I've been pretending for years, almost my whole life so I'm a good 'actress'. I can hide my feelings well. At first, I thought u and her would know it. I thought I've finally found two friends that truly understands me. Guess nt.
You're not alone. You have other ppl. I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I regret that. But u nvr reach out, that's the problem, same as me.
You were wrong, no one comforted me when I cried. Not even them, they saw me crying and just told me not to be mad or sad. They don't even know y i cried. THe real reason n I don't think you guys do too.
I've nvr thought that I would be better offwithout u. Well, actually I did before but that was when i thought that u think like dt too.
THe point is, people care about you, it's just that you don't know. I know u're pretending. SO what? I pretend too. I still cnt seem to find a way for me to stop pretending. It takes time to show my n ur true self. But if we keep pretending, the 'fake' us will become the 'real' us. You'll get so used to it that u won't even know it. I know it seems scary but i think it's just like a 'punishment' for us that don't show our true selves.
I'm still finding a way and so are you.
I'm still trying to know you which isn't as simple as i thought coz u are pretending and so am I.
If only we can be totally honest and 'real', it will be easier to figure out and understand each other and the other ppl around us.
Nvr think that you're alone. I know it hurts when you feel that way but the others around you will be hurt too. Coz they care about you but u cnt feel their caring and love. THey feel like they're nothing. Just like u said, they feel invisible, invisible to you.
I'm not mad at u. I'm mad at myself for not being honest all this time. It sucks. I know. I'm sorry if i wasn't there for you.

Do I h8 u?

Do I hate you?
Do I????

Do I want things to get back to the way it was before?
YEs, I do but I don't think you want to.

Actually, I don't really want to but if I don't, it might affect other people that I care and love so much. I hope you understand coz I don't wanna lose more people that I love.

Friday, May 15, 2009


THe headmistress told us about the 毕业旅行 today. We're going to Singapore, Genting, Melaka and other places. I forgot.
I CAN GO!!!!
I'm gonna share a room with Eunice.
I wish that we can share a room with more than 4 ppl. That way it would be perfect.
Gonna make my IC and passport this week.

To WC and ST: I'm sorry about today. I guess I over-reacted today. But it doesn't mean that I was mad for no reason. I do but I prefer to forget about it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Exam Over

I'm so damn happy! (:
But it's also bad coz it means UPSR is near and closer.

Juz found out that I have the same birthday as Robert Pattinson and Debby Ryan. I hate Robert Pattinson....
My birthday is also the day after the big earthquake in SiChuan.
Unlucky :(
But I have to admit, this year's bday is a really special and weird one.

PS I ate the sweet called 'sour' today coz Pei Xi gave it to me. She gave me the the WHOLE packet and I shared them wiv my friends so I only ate one. SHe also gave a picture of Sasuke she drew. Nice~

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our song

Song : Our song
Artist: Taylor Swift
WC asked me to post the lyrics.

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart

I looked around, turn the radio down
He says, Baby, is there something wrong?
I say, nothing, I was just thinking
why we don't have a song, and he says

Our song is the slamming screen door
sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When you're on the phone, you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man,I didn't kiss her and I should have
And I got home, 'fore I said Amen
Asking God if HE could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps
After everything that day
Had gone all wrong or been trampled on
And lost and thrown away

Got to the hallway, well, on my way
To my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When you're on the phone , you talk real slow
'coz it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her n I should have
When I got home, 'fore I said Amen

Asking for God if He could play it again

I've heard every album, listenend to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song

'Coz our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When you're on the phone, you talk real slow
Coz it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way he laughs
The first date man, I didn't kiss him and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said Amen
Asking God if He could play it again
Play it again, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song

PS I type this on my own coz I cnt copy from the othr websites. Well, I memorize the lyrics then type it here. Hope there's no mistake.

My Birthday

Today’s my birthday. Not really happy coz I have an exam.

But it was fun to look at the countdown on my blog yesterday.(11.53pm) Sadly, I couldn’t wait any longer so I just went to sleep.

Went to school. The teacher said she cnt fetch me  back today. I was so happy. :)

ST gave me HM the Movie Soundtrack!!!!!!

Saw a few boys on a wild goose chase. It was interesting. Wonder how they run soooo fast…

Marcia was enjoying it too.

Since my dad or mom is gonna fetch me back, I dun have to go down as early as usual. I stayed for a long time at class. We decided to go down after no one’s left but something happened n I had to leave earlier than them.

They sang ‘ Happy Birthday’ to me. :)

Grace wished me Happy Birthday. Now that was weird…

This is the weirdest birthday ever. Really.

1. it’s exam

2. I actually celebrate it at school

3. Grace wished me Happy Birthday

4. I still have to study even though it’s my b-day.

There’s more but I’m lazy and I hv to study.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I’m tired

I’m tired of forgiving.

I’m tired of smiling when I don’t want to.

I’m tired of pretending to be happy.

I’m tired of acting like I don’t care when I really do.

I’m tired, I really am…

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I wanna go to London!!!!!
I wanna go to St. Paul's Cathedral. It is soooo beautiful!

There's an exam tomorrow and I'm still on9- 11.27p.m. now.
My sis is watching CSI.

PS i hate my neighbour!!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mothers' Day

My grandma's here, at my house. Yay! :)
I miss her terribly. :(
GOod thing she's HERE!

SHe came here to celebrate Mothers' Day.
I know this is weird- celebrate mothers' day with ur granny....
But it's actually my mom with her, not us with her. Get it?
Just finish eating the cake. Nice...
Look out the window, the moon is sooo nice! IT's so bright that u can see rainbow colours around it!
I tried filming it with my camera (phone) but my phone sucks so bad picture. T_T

PS tomorrow is mothers' day,not today..
dunno why my mom wants to celebrate it today.


My birthday is coming!

If you think that's good news, think again!
My b'day is an exam day! BooHoo.....
T_T :(

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hey Monday

I love the band called 'Hey Monday'.
They are just so awesome!

Allison got eliminated?! NO!!!!
Which is why I 'cried' at school. Actually I didn't cry, just in a sarcastic way. Sarcasm.....
Anyways, Sir gave the whole class a 'lecture' today. He was so serious.....
We deserve it though.
GT told me stories about a girl and showed me who Aaron is.
Listen to different kinds of music during music lesson. We don't have to sing or do anything, we only had to listen to the music teacher played and identify the 'mood'. Yay.
She taught us about mood, textures, tone colour or whatever- I forgot.
Then, JC said 'sexy' when teacher taught us about 'mood'. Teacher wanted him to demonstrate. But of coz he didn't.
When we were listening to weird but familiar music, JY started moving her body and trying to act 'sexy' but I know she wasn't actually trying to be sexy, she was just being funny.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


First day of exam. :)

Happy coz we can talk almost the whole day except during the exam. For the rest of the time, we can talk!

I read ST’s comic. Her comic is hilarious!

PS The Bella that you draw was pretty. I’m serious.

Anyways, our teacher finish marking the test papers and we want her to let us see it but she wants to make sure that all the students from other classes have taken the exams. Which is why she wants me to go class by class to ask. Eunice was with me and YS accompanied me coz she was going to the toilet. But she left me and Eunice when we reached 6a7 coz she wanted to go to the toilet. The guy from 6a7 was blocking my way. Annoying.

Back to class. The teacher can only tell us our marks coz there are still some ppl from other classes that haven’t taken their exam. Curse them.(I don’t really mean it)

WC got 100 for moral and KH. Yay her. She’s better than you-know-who.

Jacky got two 100 too. GT keep saying that he cheated but I know she was juz jk.

Ruby and Eunice got the same marks. LOL. What a perfect couple. If Eunice sees this, she might kill me. But maybe not, she’s too kind to do that.

Found out who YS likes. MUAHAHAHA. Btw, even if she never told me, I would have guessed it right coz it is super obvious.

Not sure whether we’ll be taking our Maths or Science test tomorrow. Which is why I’m not studying.

PS there were two 'fights' today. 1. AMerica vs Apples 2. Pizzas vs Nike Bottles

America won!!!

Nike won...... T_T I support pizzas coz i don't like nike bottles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just found out something

I just found out something- Most female country singers are blonde.......
I wonder why........

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I found the music video of 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor on youtube yesterday and I watched over and over again. Then, when I just switched on the comp, it got deleted by Big Machine Records. Grr....
But, I cnt really blame them coz the music video hasn't officially premiered yet. Rite now, I'm waiting for Taylor's new myspace video. SHe said on twitter that she's gonna upload it in a few hours. An hour has passed and I'm still waiting......
Exam coming, need to study. I just finished doing my revision for chinese. Well, sort of. Cz I skipped a few chapters and pages.
I hate exams. I'm sure almost everyone agrees with me. I really am sure, 100%

Exam Coming

Exam coming. Need to study. :(