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Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today is Saturday and as usual, I have to go to school. But it is actually quite fun coz Saturdays aren't just like typical school days. I mean, we go to school and can just switch places n talk or do some stuff that u aren't usually allowed to do during schooldays. Even so, u still hv to pay attention during class n do school work, just less than usual.
I woke up at 7:15am!!OMG coz my house is far away from school. But eventually, I made it to school without being l8. Yay! I walked 'around' the school with Grace coz she wanted to see Samuel. Then when I gt back to class, I walked with yy and the othrs.
So I went to sit with Eunice to keep her company coz she seems lonely bt then my frens were mad(sort of) coz I wasn't with them.
I went back to sit with them(after recess) so they won't be mad bt partly coz I wanted to too.
I ate A LOT during recess. Rice, WC's chocolate cake, Hoh's muffin n a nugget. =( I dun want to be a fat pig.....
My mom came to fetch me back, that's a surprise coz she usually doesn't. It turns put tat it's coz my dad couldn't fetch me so she came. Bad news is, she drove my dad's stupid waja instead of her comfy car.....
I arrived home at 2pm!! Wanna know why? Coz she went to fetch my brother n dropped my cousin at her house then she went to McD to buy lunch and then we went to Cosway. End.
I hate it when I arrived home l8.
My bro n cousin have gone to tuition d. =)
Bt then I hv to get ready for my tuition which starts at 5pm n I hv to get ready at 4pm coz it's far away. Funny thing is, my tuition place is the place my bro and cousin is in rite now.
I h8 Saturdays when it's a busy day. I wish my tuition would be cancelled. Still waiting for the phone call....

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