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Thursday, May 7, 2009


First day of exam. :)

Happy coz we can talk almost the whole day except during the exam. For the rest of the time, we can talk!

I read ST’s comic. Her comic is hilarious!

PS The Bella that you draw was pretty. I’m serious.

Anyways, our teacher finish marking the test papers and we want her to let us see it but she wants to make sure that all the students from other classes have taken the exams. Which is why she wants me to go class by class to ask. Eunice was with me and YS accompanied me coz she was going to the toilet. But she left me and Eunice when we reached 6a7 coz she wanted to go to the toilet. The guy from 6a7 was blocking my way. Annoying.

Back to class. The teacher can only tell us our marks coz there are still some ppl from other classes that haven’t taken their exam. Curse them.(I don’t really mean it)

WC got 100 for moral and KH. Yay her. She’s better than you-know-who.

Jacky got two 100 too. GT keep saying that he cheated but I know she was juz jk.

Ruby and Eunice got the same marks. LOL. What a perfect couple. If Eunice sees this, she might kill me. But maybe not, she’s too kind to do that.

Found out who YS likes. MUAHAHAHA. Btw, even if she never told me, I would have guessed it right coz it is super obvious.

Not sure whether we’ll be taking our Maths or Science test tomorrow. Which is why I’m not studying.

PS there were two 'fights' today. 1. AMerica vs Apples 2. Pizzas vs Nike Bottles

America won!!!

Nike won...... T_T I support pizzas coz i don't like nike bottles.

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