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Friday, May 29, 2009

Teachers' Day

Today is Teachers' Day. Happy Teachers' Day!?
My brother didn't go to school today coz he gt a stomach ache. He just suddenly cried in the car n he said dt he wants to stay at home. Weirdo.
When I arrived at school, I saw a lot of ppl giving presents to their teachers, but I din prepare any gift. I also saw ppl drawing stuff on the whiteboard at 6a7. But we didn't.
We went to the hall to 'celebrate' teachers' day. Sat down and stand up and sat down again. We 'welcomed' the VIPs or wadever u call them. One of them was my fren's father, she must be so proud of her father.
Sit in the hall for about an hour and I was bored coz the girl sitting in front of me doesn't talk much and the boy sitting behind me is the person I h8 so much. While my other frens are having soo much fun at the back. It's all bcoz of the teacher.....
Then the teachers cut the cake and they get to eat it. Boohoo, i wanna eat it. LOL
Recess. Ntg special.
The games started. Basketball was first. Cnt see it coz a lot of ppl were blocking me. I said smtg to wc and she's mad at me again. She misunderstood wad I meant. Oh well....
Walked around the school with st and I keep bumping into them. Sort of.
Then she gt tired so I walked wiv yy. She sure is cute.
Went searching for zini wiv yi yun. We searched almost everywhere.... then we found her at the basketball 'court' or wadever u call it. She said I missed the good and funny part. Damn it.
Then the game ended and we hv to wait coz they're preparing for the badminton game or competition. wadever u call it.
Went up to the hall wiv yi yun. She keeps holding my hand, it makes me feel lyk a lesbian. )=
Saw ming waiy and wei wei. Wei wei keep pulling her hand and teasing her about the person she likes. Lol.
Then she starts teasing me about xm, she thinks I like him bt dt will nvr happen. Which is why I was chasing her coz she won't stop blabbing abt it!
Run around and around and stopped coz she was tired and I am too. Went back to the hall and I cnt find my frens. Yi Yun needs to go to the computer room for computer class so she left. I went back to my class and tjin hui asked me hold the file tht has certificates in it, i think. So i went down to find her bt she dissapeared which means i hv to help her take the file. Damn it.
Luckily, she came back.
I walked wiv st-again. Bt this time, we're walking at the third floor. We were talking about 'life'. It's a weird topic, I know. I went to the toilet coz I was a mess after running.
Then, we stopped outside of our classroom and continue talking. It felt great coz I was sweating and there was a lot of wind. Bt then a few annoying boys ran around and i h8 it.
I went back in class n played the word guessing game wiv Eunice, Ruby, RJ, Marcia n ST. Which explains why we were sitting on the tables near the door, we were writing on the whiteboard.
Just when I wished we could sit there and play forever, the bell rung. Guess tht's goodbye....
Ok, wishing that I could keep playing the word guessing game made me sound like a geek or nerd, but we weren't guessing words abt vocabulary or grammar or wadever, we were guessing the names of movies, actor, actresses and singers and a lot more.
I had a lot of fun today except tht wc was mad at me. )=