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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Great Day

Today is a great day coz we were in the hall for almost the whole day!

Which means no lessons for one whole day!

Wondering why we were in the hall all day?

Well let me tell you, we were there coz there was a 讲座会 and the guy named 谢坤 was hilarious. I cnt believe he used to be a headmaster of a school, i mean headmasters are serious, rite?

He told us to study hard and stuff like dt. He gave cards to ppl who answered his question or smtg else(i forgot). He also keep asking 招副校长 a lot of questions and she seemed nervous AND happy.

He hugged some ppl too.

Then, before recess, he asked us to write a letter to him and we’ll get a card if we do. I actually wanted to write it at first, but then I was lazy so i give up.

After recess, we went back to the hall. Guess wad? He’s mad coz some ppl threw away the papers he gave us. But after dt, he’s okay and he also asked us to sing songs and ‘dance’. He gave each and everyone of us a card.

Then, all the classes had to take pictures cz he wanted to put it on his website. I hate taking pictures. He talked about some stuff again and then it was almost 放学 so we left the hall. But I stayed back and got his signature. (=

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