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Thursday, June 25, 2009


I arrived at school today later than I usually do, but i wasn't late. Phew....
There was a 华语常识比赛 today.Many ppl were complaining coz the teachers didn't tell us abt this and we only knew abt it today. But I don't really mind about stuff like this so I didn't really complain.
I did until number 130(i think) and stopped coz I was tired, so I just simply write some answers without even looking at the questions.
After recess-science-it isn't boring as it used to be last time and the teacher seems happy instead of being moody like she used to be last time. Hoh said dt she wants Jacky to get the H1N1 virus and Jacky said dt if he dies, he will drag ALL of us with him, kinda like Drag Me to Hell(the movie), but instead of going to hell, we would go to heaven coz we didn't do anything wrong. Jacky then said dt it doesn't matter where we would go coz we're already dead by then. LOL.
Went to the library after sc. Everyone was in the computer room except a few(2-5). The boys were in the big room and the girls were in the small one. Ruby was outside reading a book unlike all the other boys who were in the computer room. Weird....
I went inside the computer room n JY HUGGED ME. She doesn't wanna let go but luckily, I 'escaped' and ran out. That was scary....
Then, the teacher went in to talk with some of us(not me). I was just walking around and talking with my friends. I even saw ppl taking the Permata Pintar test. BORING.
I sat in front of a computer and there was ntg much to do coz we can only go to educational websites. I mean, I dunno any educational websites except Wikipedia!
SH went to blogger but I dun wan 2 coz of the 'thing' (most of u won't get wad I mean, bt some will)
So the 'trip' to the library was LAME.

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