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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I cam back yesterday instead of today coz there’s ntg else to do and the hotel sucks. Here’s what I did when I was in KL.

Day 1

Arrive at KL and went to the hotel. The room was extremely small even though we booked the ‘deluxe’ room. Stupid hotel. So,we asked if we could change the room n yes we could. But the room is still small…  Look on the bright side, the bed is bigger and thr were pictures on the wall and we hv more space…… But in the end, it’s still small.

Rest for a while and we walked to starhill. When we were crossing the road, I saw a HUGE Jay Chou poster, you know, the one with the watch. I didn’t take a picture of it coz thr were lots of ppl crossing the road. Sry, Zini.

We went into Starhill and it was so damn quiet and creepy. Only a few ppl were there.

DSC03003 Looks bright, huh? WEll, look at the nxt picture:

DSC03004 Look at the shop, that’s where it began to be dark.

On the way to the LV shop, i took a picture of a shop with a brand I’ve nvr heard of in my life, bt it looks nice so I took a picture of it.

DSC03005 I think it sells jewels…


DSC03006 I don’t know wad’s this….

Went into the LV shop and it was bright! Yay! But i didn’t take pictures in there coz the staff working there might think dt i’m trying to steal the ideas of their products.

Then, we leave. Next stop – Gucci

DSC03010  THis is the floor outside of Gucci. Nice…

My mom couldn’t decide whether to buy the darker coloured bag or the lighter coloured bag. I could tell dt the sales girl was annoyed.

DSC03007 FINALLY! My mom made up her mind. My sis looks weird coz of the lights in the shop. It was dark.


DSC03009 My bro was mad coz my mom took too long to choose.


DSC03011 I took this picture when I was bored and I went out of the Gucci shop. After that, I went it.

DSC03012 I took this picture when I was leaving the shop.


DSC03014 Sunglasses in Gucci.

DSC03016 The sign says BOTTEGA VENETA. And my sister’s name is Venetia so she wanted me to take a picture of her and the sign.


DSC03017 Outside of LV

DSC03018 My sis….

Then we decided to go to Pavilion! Yay!

There’s this big sign that says : Pavilion . But i didn’t take a picture of it.

The Pavilion is soooo pretty. All the branded shops have like two or more levels. And it’s BRIGHT, unlike Starhill. Plus, there are tons of other shops besides those stupid branded shops. No offense.

DSC03019 I saw this when I was in the pavilion.

DSC03020 Gucci again. But this time, it’s the pavilion edition….? The sign kinda looks like CUCCi. LOL

DSC03022 The clothes in Gucci(pavilion). I don’t know why I took a picture of it.

DSC03024 THe stairs of a shop (i cnt remember which)

Then we left the shop and went to search for my brother’s toy. Finally found a shop that sells toys – Think Toys. BUt unfortunately, we couldn’t find my brother’s toy. So my bro left the shop with a sour face.

We went to Girls and the bags were totally different. I hate their new ‘look’. So, instead of the bags, I bought a necklace with a heart on it.

Then, we went to ROXY and they played the song Jenny ! Yay! But we didn’t buy anything. We left ROXY and went to Giordano. I bought a black t-shirt with pink letters that says: Welcome to my world. My sis bought a white shirt with words that says: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

We were exhausted already so we went to the food court. THe food court looks way better than the one in Queensbay. I ate Japanese Food while my bro and sis ate smtg… (i forgot)

Walked around for a while searching for Miss T. But instead we found Teddy Tales. The shop has a lot of teddies? Not really.Instead of teddies they created their own characters that kinda looks like those from Happy Tree Friends. Behind the counter, they have this huge poster of the teddy world? The shop has pretty much everything in there. T-Shirts, stationery, necklaces, bracelets, bags, toys and a lot more. I bought two white t-shirts and a white bag with a teddy on it. And when I wanted to try on my shirt b4 buying it, i had to go to the fitting room nxt door coz thy dun hv one. My brother found a fake centipede made out of rubber(i think) n scared me with it. We also bought erasers shaped like a teddy. I forgot what else my sister and brother bought though. Then, we left the pavilion and went back to our hotel.(i think, coz i forgot wad other places we went after dt)

We bathed and rest for a while then we went to a night market. THere were lots of tourists. And after a few minutes walking at the night market, i found out smtg, all they hv in the night market are imitations of branded stuff. And I heard an american tourist said: Now dt is genuine imitation.

My bro and I bought a watch. I gave my sis mine coz I dun rili like it. And then we keep walking and I noticed a sign above me tht calls us not to throw rubbish and then I looked down and I saw LOTS of rubbish. Haha. That’s the Malaysia we live in…

We left the night market and went back to our hotel to get some zz.

On the nxt morning, I touched my necklace with a ‘W’ but when i touched it, I cnt feel the ‘W’! I told my mom and we started finding it but we couldn’t. I was sooo upset and I still am now.

We packed everything back into the luggage coz we’re leaving today. But b4 dt, we hv to go to Pavilion again coz my mom wanted to go to Miss T and buy the Milk Teddy wallet for me.(yay) and then we hv to go to one utama coz my bro wanted to buy his toy.

DSC03028 My brother’s watch.

We went to Miss T and bought my milk teddy wallet! PS it’s pink! My sis bought a bag and we spent over RM100 so we get two hours free parking! Yay!

Then we went to the apple store and I touched the iPhone!

Then we went to Sony and my dad says he likes Sony better than Apple. But i think apple is better than sony.

Then, my mom went to GUCCI again coz she wanted the purse/wallet. I’m nt sure wad it is. She couldn’t choose whether she wants the beige one or the pink one. Seriously, she is sooo indecisive. Finally , she chose the pink one and we left the shop bt then her friend called and said she want one too. So we hv to go again. My brother was really mad. WHo cares? But my mom does.

We also went to the food court and I realised tht the Pavilion has Carls' Jr! Wow. THen I went to Speedy to look for Fearless but it’s SOLD OUT. Aww man…

DSC03031 Took a picture of it when I was waiting for mom.

DSC03032 My sis actually wanted me to take a picture of her with the Gucci plastic bag bt I forgot and I took a picture of her with the sign instead. So, she’s mad.

Left Pavilion and on the way to one utama.

DSC03033 Can u see the statue of the bull/cow? (i’m nt sure wad it is) If u can, u hv good eyesight.

When we arrived at One Utama, I was incredibly sleepy so I was a little moody. One Utama kinda looks like Gurney, except it’s worse.

My bro went to buy his toy while my mom, sis and me went to other shops and just look around. It was BORING.

Then my bro found his toy and we found each other.

We walk around and we went to the centre of the mall and saw Lancome. My mom saw the salesman and said she knew him. And the salesman was happy coz someone knew him. I could tell that he is an apon. I mean, he wears makeup! He showed my mom the new mascara and my mom said she will buy it when we gt back to Penang.

Left one utama and ready to go home.

But we were really unlucky coz our tyres had problems so we went searching for a tyre shop but couldn’t find it. It took us abt 30 minutes to find it. At first, the guy said we dun need to change our tyres and just repaired it for free for us. But my dad was still worried so he went to another shop and the guy said we hv to change our tyres. It took him abt 15-20 mins to change our tyres. By then, it was already 7.25pm! THis is the first time we went back this LATE.

When we’re on the highway, it was incredibly DARK.

my mom woke me up and this time, she wasn’t waking me up coz we’re stopping anywhere, she’s waking me up coz we’ve arrived. I can finally say I’M HOME!!! I just love the feeling of being at home. It’s the BEST feeling ever. (:

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